Frozen food a major source of gastroenteritis


Frozen food is one of the major sources of gastroenteritis and other stomach related diseases, said Prof Dr Tariq Siddique.

‘Citizens should use fresh food instead of frozen items,’ he said while talking to media in a conference in Lahore.

He also advised people to refrain from consuming loose food in bazaars and low quality drinks which caused spread of gastro among citizens, particularly in children.

He urged the patients of such diseases to use ORS in boiled or branded mineral water.

Frozen meals are cleverly advertised, but examining the nutrition labels closely will reveal some chilling facts. The nutritional profile of healthy foods is questionable.

The ingredients used in frozen foods are not the same as those in freshly made meals. Many frozen foods also use partially hydrogenated palm oil that has hidden, harmful trans fats.

The sodium content is also one of the main factors that make frozen foods unhealthy. A lot of frozen meals contain between 700 to 1800 mg of sodium. The daily recommended maximum dosage of sodium is 2,300 mg. Frequent consumption of frozen foods can put people at risk of high blood pressure and other health conditions.