Feudal system usurps farmers’ rights in Pakistan: Sirajul Haq


LAHORE: Jamaat-e-Islami Ameer, Senator Sirajul Haq said on Thursday that feudal system usurped farmers’ rights in Pakistan.

While addressing the issues of farmers, pensioners, labourers and students in the Senate, Sirajul Haq said India took measures for agricultural reforms after partition of the subcontinent and brought revolution in agricultural sector.

Growers stranded here as the government did not buy wheat from them, he said and added the farmers compelled to sell their crop at cheaper prices.

The JI leader said farmers had to face millions of loss due to the incompetent and corrupt officials of the concern institutions.

Sirajul Haq said farmers were compelled to torch their crops and students their degrees due to the cruel policies of the government. He said the government did not take any action over the farmers 10-day long sit-in in Lahore. Haq demanded at least Rs10,000 pension for old age pensioners and asked the government to pay the arrears in the next budget.

The JI leaders demanded of the provincial and federal governments to adopt solid strategy to resolve the issues of farmers.

He continued the rice export decreased due to the incompetent and corrupt government officials. Haq asked the government to ensure interest-free loans for the growers and increase the rate of crops.

He said JI will not leave the farmers and labourers alone at any stage. He threatened the rulers that when the farmers and labourers will come out of their shanties at a large number, no one could stop them.