Enthusiasm of people to bring about revolution: Nawaz

Imran, his aides guilty of high treason: Nawaz Sharif

MURIDKE: Former Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif Saturday said that the passion of people would bring about a revolution in the country and the sanctity of vote would be restored.

Addressing a large gathering of the PML-N workers here, he said that such a large gathering was a sign of defeat of those who ousted an elected prime minister and those who kept the country hostage for last seventy years.

“Can a few people become the owner of Pakistan by rejecting the will of 200 million people,” he asked.

“Nawaz Sharif did not make any treason, he did not commit any corruption, did not take any kickbacks or commission and committed no embezzlement,” he told the charged gathering.

“I was deposed only on the charges of not getting salary from my son,” he said.

“Do you accept the verdict of dismissal of your elected prime minister,” he asked the people.

He was of the view that a revolution is needed in the country as the votes of the people have been disgraced here.

“No matter if I have been dismissed. But your enthusiasm shows that I am alive in your hearts. I honour your commitment and promise if you stand by me, I shall fulfil my commitment of national progress,” he added.

“I was serving the nation, situation of electricity was improving, roads and motorways were being constructed, Balochistan has been making progress, projects of CPEC have been undergoing and unemployed were getting jobs,” he said listing his achievements.

“If progress was allowed to continue, unemployment would have been overcome in the upcoming two-three years,” he added.

Nawaz said that a joke had been made with the people of Pakistan for the last seventy years.

“Does it happen in any other civilised country,” he said and added “this system has to be changed and the respect of your vote will have to be restored.”

“It is my commitment with you that if your enthusiasm sustains, Pakistan will touch the heights of progress in a few years,” he said.

“We will bring about a change and revolution. Will you support Nawaz Sharif,” he asked the sloganeering people, and got a big “yes” in response.

“This country does not belong to a few people, but to the whole nation and we all shall build it and make it strong and respectable. You have trusted me and I shall never betray your trust,” he pledged.

Sharif said that he enjoyed the approval of millions of people and premiership was not his goal.

“I have expectations of the people of Muridke that they would support the truth.

“I am leaving Muridke after making a decision that in a few days, it would be decided that this country is not a territory of only a few people and it is the country of more than 200 million people,” he added.

He expressed his joy on the welcome by the people of Muridke and said he witnessed the same enthusiasm everywhere.

“I hope your passion will remain the same and you will join me when I will call you,” he said.

He said the day was not far off when justice would be done, cruelties would come to an end and the country would leap forward. “Let us move together to reach the destination of progress, ensure sanctity of vote and secure a bright future for the nation.”

Nawaz Sharif said he could still see spark in the eyes of people that would inspire him in restoration of sanctity of their vote and secure a respectable place for the country among comity of nations.

Earlier, on reaching Muridke, Nawaz Sharif was accorded a historic welcome as thousands of party workers and supporters pulled to streets to greet their leader and extending him their support. They were chanting slogans and carried placards, banners and posters of their leader.