Eight-year-old madrasa student lynched in South Delhi


In another ghastly incident of hate crime in India against minorities, four boys residing near a madrasa in Shivalik, Malviya Nagar, Delhi beat an 8-year-old boy named Mohammed Azeem — who was a native of Mewat, Haryana to death on Thursday.

Azeem and a few other boys of the same age were playing outside as they had a holiday in the madrasa they were studying when four youngsters came on a bike and started abusing and hitting the boys.

They hurled Azeem towards a bike due to which he sustained a serious injury and fell unconscious. When the elders from the madrasa took him to the hospital the doctor declared him dead.

The madrasa is being run from 1988 in Malviya Nagar by Maulana Md Ali Zahur. But from the last couple of years, there have been suffering daily instances of non-Muslim Shivalik residents showing their intense dislike towards the running of the madrasa.

The Maulana — who is the principal of the madrasa in a video interview with Nadeem Khan, an activist from United against Hate campaign, said, “the people have been throwing empty liquor bottles in the premises of madrasa…they usher in pigs in the madrasa compound, tease and bully the boys who go outside, play cricket right in front of the madrasa, burst crackers and create disturbances especially during the time of Namaz.”

He also said it is never the elders but always adolescent boys who carry out these hate-filled activities on the encouragement of their elders. The reason being that police will not take action against juveniles.

The madrasa staff have been complaining over the phone to the police who come sometimes, talk to boys and after some counselling leave.

The police have never taken it seriously taking these activities as pranks by youngsters.