ECP clarifies requirements for votes to be valid


The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) clarified on Monday as to what would count as a valid or an invalid vote when the country goes to  polls on July 25.

As per the electoral body, a ballot paper will be invalid if:

– It’s missing the official code mark or assistant presiding officer’s signature

– It’s missing ECP’s watermark

– It’s missing the official nine-matrix seal

– It has a paper or anything else attached to it

– It has stamps on more than one candidate’s election symbols

– The stamp appears equally in more than one candidates’ boxes

However, ECP explained a ballot paper will be counted as a valid vote if the stamp appears in multiple boxes but a prominent portion of it is in a particular candidate’s box.

Multiple stamps on the symbol of a particular candidate, as well as stamps on both the symbol and the name of a candidate will also be counted as a valid vote, the ECP further clarified.

Polling will start at 8am and conclude at 6pm — a total of 10 hours uninterrupted.

This is the first time the polling duration has been extended by an hour across the board in the country’s electoral history.