Drinking coffee linked to reduced liver damage

Bad news for coffee lovers in winter!

ISLAMABAD: Drinking two additional cups of coffee a day has been linked to a 44% lower risk of developing liver cirrhosis.

A recent research study conducted by health experts in United Kingdom suggests that drinking more coffee might help reduce the kind of liver damage that’s associated with overindulging in food, Radio Pakistan reported.

The researchers’ analysed data from nine previously published studies with a total of more than 430,000 participants and found that drinking two additional cups of coffee a day was linked to a 44 percent lower risk of developing liver cirrhosis.

Cirrhosis is potentially fatal and there is no cure as such,” said lead study author Dr Oliver Kennedy of Southampton University in the U.K. “Therefore, it is significant that the risk of developing cirrhosis may be reduced by consumption of coffee, a cheap, ubiquitous and well-tolerated beverage”.

Kennedy informed that Cirrhosis kills more than one million people every year worldwide. It can be caused by hepatitis infections, immune disorders, and fatty liver disease, which is tied to obesity and diabetes.