Do’s and don’ts during thunderstorms, dust storms



* Look for darkening skies and increased wind. If you hear thunder then you are close enough to be struck by lightning
* Prepare an emergency kit for safety and survival
* Close windows and doors
* Secure your house, carry out repairs in advance, don’t leave sharp objects loose
* Secure outside objects that could blow away and cause damage, eg: Furniture, bins, etc
* Get rid of rotting trunks/broken tree branches that could fall and cause injury or damage
* Monitor radio, TV, newspapers to get latest weather updates and warnings
* Ensure children and pets are indoors


* Continue to keep a watch on local weather updates and warnings
* Stay indoors and off verandas and porches. Avoid all travel if possible
* Unplug unnecessary electrical equipment (to isolate them from the main power supply which may conduct a power surge during a lightning storm). Don’t use corded telephones. Mobiles or cordless phones are safe
* Avoid touching plumbing and electrical pipes. Do not use running water. Avoid taking a bath/shower. This is because lightning can travel along pipes
* Stay away from structures with tin roofs/metal sheeting
* Keep away from doors, windows, fireplaces, bath tubs, or any electrical charge conductors
* Don’t take shelter near/under trees
* Stay put if you are inside a car/bus/covered vehicle
* Don’t use metallic objects, stay away from power/telephone lines
* Get out of the water — pools, lakes, small boats — and take shelter immediately