‘Don’t set making money as your life goal,’ PM Khan advises graduating students at Namal College


Prime Minister Imran Khan on Sunday arrived in Mianwali to attend Namal College’s 6th convocation as the chief guest.

At the ceremony, he addressed the students and other attendees, stressing on the importance of working hard to bring about a change.

“There are two kinds of worldviews that exist; one that says that I [a leader] am going to take care of my own needs and then see what I want to do for others,” said the premier. “The other worldview is to be part of a welfare state, and for leaders to take care of the needs of the people first, instead of giving priority to their own needs.”

“In a welfare state like Madinah, so many years ago, they had understood that education was more important than money. They used to free prisoners of war once they had taught 10 people to read. They did not give priority to wealth — they gave importance to education.

“[Leader of the Opposition] Shahbaz Sharif made some low commentsabout Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar [in the National Assembly] — my question to him is who are you to say anything when you got everything through your brother?” said Khan. During Wednesday’s parliament session, the opposition leader had overstepped while driving home his criticism of the incumbent chief executive of his former dominion, saying: “This chief minister cannot even respond to nature’s call without the prime minister’s permission.”

The prime minister, reinforcing his faith in Buzdar’s capabilities, said he would become the best chief minister that Punjab has ever had. “Because he [Buzdar] will not abuse his power, he will not use his position to make money — he will use his power for the good of the people.”

The prime minister told the students that whatever they set out to achieve, they can. He urged them to learn from failures by rectifying mistakes.

“Do understand that there will be bad times; however, know that bad times arise to make you aware of what you have been doing wrong. University education equips you to understand these things.

“You’re only moving forward until you keep challenging yourself. Do not set ‘making money’ as your life goal; it will not be satisfying as there is no end goal to achieve.”

He said no country in the world has made progress without upholding accountability and merit, adding that the PTI government is answerable before the people of Pakistan and everyone in the government is accountable for spending public money.