Don’t even think about stopping Pakistan water: Sirajul Haq warns Modi  


LAHORE: Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Ameer Senator Sirajul Haq has once again warned Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi that if he does the stupidity of stopping even a drop of Pakistan’s water, then he would suffer rest of his life.

Addressing to JI central Shoora at Mansoora, he appealed to International community to take notice of India’s aquatic aggression against Pakistan in order to maintain peace in the region.

Senator Sirajul Haq said instead of increasing friendship with Modi government, Pakistan government should clear to Indian authorities to stop aquatic aggression or ready to face severe consequences.

India will never be successful in achieving its cruel ambitions with Hindu resettlement and Muslim genocide in Kashmir, he added.

Sirajul Haq suggested to Modi that Indian Prime Minister should leave his stubbornness and allow Self-determination to Kashmiris under United Nation resolution in order to clear path of peace in the region.

Jamaat-e-Islami leader was of the opinion that the recent firing by the Indian forces across LOC clearly revealed Indian puzzlement. He told that if India didn’t stop with its war-craze, the war would be inevitable.

War-crazy India has started implementing on its threats by stopping Pakistan’s water in order to barren land, he added.

India hasn’t accepted Pakistan’s Independence and sovereignty yet, JI Ameer said.

Talking about Corruption free Pakistan movement, Sirajul Haq said that nation knows who looted their national wealth. They are not hidden from anyone.

Corrupt group again and again come in power and looted national wealth, he added. This group of dacoits belonged to those families who are in the power for last 70 years.

He further said this elite class is basically responsible for problems of common man.

Pakistan’s external debt is $73 billion while over $375 billion is invested outside the country, JI Ameer said. If this investment bought back to the country, this will not only level all the external debts but government will be able to provide free education and health facilities.

JI Ameer Senator Sirajul Haq said that Jamaat-e-Islami will contact 10 million voters in 2017.