Defence Day: Pakistani nation more resolute than ever before, says COAS


RAWALPINDI: The Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif conveyed an open message to whole region and international powers on the National Defence Day that Pakistan considered completion of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project as its national duty while armed forces will pay their vital role in this regards.

General Raheel Sharif was addressing a prestigious event of the National Defence Day at the General Headquarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi in remembrance of September 6, 1965’s victory against Indian aggression thwarted by Pakistan military troops.

The event was crowded with high-level government and military officials, families of martyrs, local and international diplomats and high-ups at the GHQ today.



COAS said that Pakistan is committed to complete CPEC project at any cost which is quite beneficial for the whole region while military troops will made every effort for its early completion.


He said that armed forces are fighting decisive battle against each genre of terrorism to bring country on the path of prosperity and development. He said that major achievements were grabbed during wide-scale anti-terrorism operations across the country. He detailed that every internal and external aggressive will be befittingly responded on every platform. He added that majority of the culprits behind the Peshawar school attack reached to their end. COAS said that the country would not let its martyrdoms into vain.

While commenting over Kashmir dispute, COAS urged the United Nations (UN) to resolve Kashmir dispute in accordance with willingness of Kashmiris.

He said that the Pakistan and the Afghanistan are tied with strong relations. He said that some enemies are trying to disrupt the bilateral ties between both countries.

Full context of the COAS speech:

COAS paid a tribute to martyrs of Pakistan on September 6, 2015 at the event of National Defence Day.

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful

Respected families of Pakistan’s martyrs, honourable guests, officers, junior commissioned officers and our valiant soldiers – Assalam o Alaikum

Today’s defence day is of immense significance. 6 September is a day of great importance in our national history. This is the day when the enemy dared to attack our country. In response our valiant armed forces and the nation stood together to successfully defend, and inflict a humiliating defeat on the aggressor. I am extremely proud that today we have amongst us the veterans of that war.

It has been 50 years since 6 September 1965. Over this period, Pakistan has seen many ups and downs. I can say with a lot of conviction that today our country is much stronger and Pakistani Nation more resolute than ever before. This successful journey was only made possible due to the supreme sacrifices of the martyrs and war veterans of this great nation. Let me reiterate that our armed forces stand fully capable to defeat all sorts of external aggression. If the enemy ever resorts to any misadventure, regardless of its size and scale, it will have to pay an unbearable cost

Ladies and Gentlemen; over the past many years, Pakistan is confronted with terrorism and sub-conventional war. Operation Zarb-e-Azb was launched at a time when the forces of disorder were challenging the state of Pakistan. Law and order situation in the country was abysmal and deteriorating. APS Peshawar incident was an inhuman and barbaric act of horrendous proportions. However, the sacrifice of the martyred children and immense fortitude of their parents reinvigorated the national resolve against terrorism. I can assure you that most of the terrorists involved in that incident have already been brought to justice. With the blessings of Allah Almighty and prayers of the nation, armed forces and other law enforcement agencies of Pakistan, through untiring efforts and sacrifice have brought the situation under control, and writ of the state has been well established.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I wish to commend the Pakistani Media, who have unmasked the real face of terrorists, thus playing a critical role in creating national consensus. This was a difficult and complex undertaking. To make this success comprehensive and enduring, all organs of the state will have to earnestly play their part to achieve the objectives of National Action Plan in the earliest possible time. Today I reiterate the resolve that we shall not relent until all terrorists, their financiers, abettors, facilitators and sympathizers are brought to justice.

Through concerted civil-military effort and a great deal of success has been achieved in establishing peace in Karachi and Balochistan. Allah willing, we will continue our efforts to bring these operations to their logical conclusion.

Pakistan China Economic Corridor is of importance not just for Pakistan as well as the entire region. Its completion is a national obligation; and armed forces of Pakistan will fully play their part in bringing this project to fruition.

I salute my patriotic brothers from FATA for their extreme sacrifices. The process of return of Temporarily Displaced Persons has already begun; it is our sincere endeavour that these people are able to get back to their homes as early as possible in order to start a better life.

Our young generation is the prime focus of all our efforts, they are the real embodiment of the nation’s future. Armed forces of Pakistan whole heartedly share the passion and fervor of our youth.

I must highlight that the aggravating security situation in Afghanistan is a point of serious concern. We have strong historical and blood ties with Afghanistan and no power on earth can disrupt this relationship. We have made concerted and sincere efforts for bringing peace in Afghanistan but certain inimical forces are bent upon undermining our efforts. Allah willing their nefarious design will never succeed.

Our national struggle against terrorism has played a vital role for regional and international peace. We hope that the international community acknowledges our extreme sacrifice and would assist us in this endeavour without any prejudice.

It is pertinent to mention that Kashmir is the unfinished agenda of the partition in sub continent. The innocent people of Indian occupied Kashmir are being subjected to injustice and atrocities for over the last seven decades. It should be clearly understood that enduring peace in the region will not be possible without a just resolution of Kashmir. The issue can no longer be put on the back burner. The time has come that Kashmir issue should be resolved in line with the aspirations of its people in accordance with UN resolutions

Ladies and Gentlemen; I am proud to command one of the most battle hardened Armies of the world, which has no prallels. Armed forces of Pakistan are fully capable to deal all types of internal and external threats, may it be conventional or sub-conventional; whether it is cold start or hot start. We are ready!!

In the end, I take this opportunity to once again salute the martyrs and veterans for their unforgettable sacrifice and contribution in the defence of our beloved Motherland. While standing amongst the dear families of martyrs, I reiterate our resolve that we would not let their blood go in vain

Long live Pakistan Army, Long Live Pakistan.