Cricket team should visit India only if New Delhi ensures fool proof security: Siraj


ISLAMABAD: Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Ameer Senator Sirajul Haq has said that Pakistani cricket team should visit India to participate in T-20 World Cup only if New Delhi takes responsibility for ensuring fool proof security arrangement.

Talking to media persons outside the Parliament House on Wednesday, Sirajul Haq said that extremists’ threats should not make our team to sit at home, however every possible care should be taken until India assured flawless security arrangements.

He said it was the responsibility of the government and its agencies to thoroughly investigate the allegations leveled by Mustafa Kamal, and added that the unrest among the public because of these allegations must be removed.

Responding to a question about release of Shahbaz Taseer, the JI Chief said the release of a person abducted for ransom was good news not only for his family but entire nation also. However, he said, it was astonishing that the abductee has been recovered from the provincial capital of Balochistan, a fully settled area, and not from tribal or border area. This was a question mark and proved that the government could control crimes if it so desired, and could also improve the situation to a great extent, he maintained.

He said there were thousands of cases of missing persons in courts and their families were spending their lives in great agony but the rulers were not bothered.  He stressed that these missing persons should also be recovered.

Siraj said that the government efforts for privatization of state institutions would be foiled at every cost, and said there were stories of mass corruption behind the selling out of these institutions.

He said the JI campaign for Corruption Free Pakistan would gain strength soon as the masses were fed up of corrupt rulers.