Crackdown against terrorists, criminals continues in Karachi


KARACHI: Crackdown against criminals and terrorists continued in Karachi by Law Enforcement Agencies as an accused of gang war killed in alleged police encounter in Lyari.

Around 40 suspects have been arrested in a police search operation carried out in Gulbarg vicinity of the metropolis. A large quantity of arms and ammunition found from their possession, police said.

According to reports, Police on an intelligence tip off about presence of criminals in Chakiwara area of Lyari, conducted search operation in the area.

The gangsters opened fire at policeman and one of them killed in retaliatory fire of the police, police said.

The slain man was identified as Allan, an accused of Lyari gang war involved in extortion, targeted killings and other heinous crimes.

The police also arrested two accused from Chakiwara and captured Awan bomb and other ammunition from their possession.

The Police also have claimed to arrest  a suspect in injured condition after an alleged encounter in SITE  area of the mega city.