Breaking free from appearance-based discrimination in media industry


By Hifza Zahid

Discrimination in the media industry based on physical appearance is a widespread concern in the workplace. Despite efforts to promote diversity and inclusion, appearance-based bias continues to affect individuals’ professional opportunities and experiences.

Especially, when on-screen roles are considered actors, broadcasters, and media personalities often encounter discrimination based on their appearance, impacting the types of roles and opportunities they receive. This can lead to stereotyping and limited representation of diverse body types, skin, colours, and physical attributes in the media.

The media industry’s perpetuation of unrealistic beauty standards can create an environment where individuals feel pressured to conform to specific ideals, affecting their self-esteem and mental well- being. Those who don’t fit in these standards may face discrimination and unequal treatment.

Addressing workplace discrimination in the media industry requires a collective effort from employers, employees, and industry stakeholders.

Companies should establish and enforce policies that promote diversity and inclusion, emphasising equal opportunities and a fair evaluation of skills and qualifications.

The media industry can actively work to represent diverse body types, ethnicities, and physical attributes in their content, challenging the perpetuation of unrealistic beauty standards.

Employees and industry professionals can advocate for change by speaking out against

discrimination and supporting initiatives that promote diversity and inclusion in this way they will foster a more respectful and inclusive work environment.

By taking proactive steps to address appearance-based discrimination, the media industry can become a more equitable and inclusive space where individuals are valued for their talents and contributions rather than judged solely on their looks.