Blackout in Punjab cities due to fault at Tarbela,Guddu Power Plant

Govt approves hike in electricity tariff for all consumers

LAHORE : Major cities of Punjab, including provincial capital city, are facing blackout since Wednesday morning after technical faults developed all of a sudden at Tarbela Power Station and Guddu Power Plant, the main contributors of electricity into the country’s power system.
National Transmission and Dispatch Company (NTDC) source told APP here that electricity supply restoration was being underway speedily by the relevant field staff.
“We are restoring the power system gradually while ensuring the fault rectification from grid to grid, and electricity supply will soon be restored,” added the source.
He mentioned that Punjab’s major cities, including Lahore, Faisalabad and Multan, were facing power outage due to technical fault at the two main power houses.
The long-time power outage brought the routine life in these cities to a standstill as the trade and businesses, activities in educational institutions, and office working were disturbed, while the patients in the hospitals faced difficulties and a number of surgical operations had to be postponed due to power breakdown.
Electricity suspension coupled with hot weather conditions also forced the people to rush to the open places especially parks to take sigh of relief.