Black out of the public reaction by the electronic media is a grave injustice


 Ameer, Jamaat e Islami, Pakistan, Senator Sirajul Haq, has said that the Supreme Court decision acquitting blasphemer Aasia was a violation of the law and justice and had shocked the entire nation. He has called upon the government to place Aasia’s name on the ECL so that she could not flee the country as her presence was essential during the hearing of the review petition on this decision. He said that foreign powers were ready to airlift Aasia to some foreign destination.

In a statement here, the JI chief said that a case of blasphemy had been filed against Aasia in June 2009 and the trial court had convicted her and awarded her death sentence to her in Nov. 2010. The High Court had rejected her appeal and upheld the sentence.  He said that the proper legal process warranted remanding the decision of the Sessions Court and the High Court for retrial instead of rejection.

Sirajul Haq deplored the black out of the public reaction over the court verdict by the electronic media and said it was a question mark on the media’s independence. He said the black out of the public reaction by the electronic media was a grave injustice to the 200 million slaves of the Holy Prophet (pbuh).

The JI chief said that every citizen wondered that blasphemer Aasia’ s case had dragged on for about ten years while Shaheed Mumtaz Qadri’s case was decided in haste and he was executed in the darkness of night.

He deplored the west’s patronage of the persons indulging in blasphemy of the Holy Prophet.