Bangladesh evicts Rohingya from roadside camps as space runs out


COX’S BAZAR: Bangladesh police Tuesday evicted Rohingya refugees from overcrowded roadside camps and farmland as aid groups scrambled to find emergency shelter for tens of thousands living outdoors in squalid conditions.

Around 421,000 Rohingya have crossed into Bangladesh since August 25, the UN says, overwhelming the ill-equipped refugee camps along the border.

Aid groups have warned of an unfolding humanitarian crisis in the camps, where mobs of half-starving people rush passing food trucks in violent stampedes for rations.

Authorities are struggling to cope and those left to fend for themselves have taken refuge in roadside shanties or clearing land on hills and farms for tents.

The government has been trying to herd refugees into designated areas, fearful that nearby cities could be overwhelmed if they are left unchecked.

Police on Tuesday cleared squatters and dismantled shanties around Kutupalong, one of the largest camps where the roads are choked with refugees and long queues of traffic snake from aid centres.