Alkhidmat arranges study tour for orphan children to Makli, Bhambhore, Thatta


Karachi: Around 100 out of registered children at Alkhidmat’s Orphan family sport program were taken to a study tour to historic sites of Makli and Thatta besides museum of Bhambhore by Alkhidmat administration.

Children visited museum where they witnessed the centuries old jewellery, copper made utensils, currency, earthen made pots and precious ornaments besides daily usable items used by the then people.

Children also visited Makli graveyard, where they fascinated on seeing seven hundred years old graves. Visit to Shahjahan Masjid built by great moghal Emperor Shah Jahan in 1054 Hijri witch was also included in the itinerary.

The children were given knowledge about the historic significance of these sites by administrators while children also asked questions to add further information in this respect.

They were informed that Muhammad Bin Qasim invaded Sindh passing though city of Bhambhore and excavation of this city started in 1958 to discover more information about the culture and livelihood of the dwellers.

Meanwhile, Executive Director, Rashid Qureshi in a message said that alongwith education, shelter and food facilities, Alkhidmat also take care of these children by arranging study and recreational tours for them.