Afghan ambassador meets JI Ameer Sirajul Haq


Afghanistan ambassador Janan-e-Musa Zai has held meeting with Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Ameer Senator Sirajul Haq in Mansoora Lahore and discussed new era of relations between both Islamic countries.

Both high-ups agreed that establishment of peace in Pakistan was need of whole region while a new era of prosperity and peace will emerge after complete withdrawal of allied forces from Afghanistan.

On the event, Sirajul Haq assured that Pakistanis have love and respect for their Afghan brothers while both countries are tied with Islamic relation.

On the event, Sirajul Haq assured that Pakistanis have love and respect for their Afghan brothers while both countries are tied with Islamic relation. JI Ameer clarified that Pakistani nation is in support of whole Afghan nation but not in favour of any specific political party.

Ambassador Janan-e-Musa Zai said that Afghan government is ready to hold dialogues with former jihadist groups and Taliban to establish stable peace in the country. The meeting was attended by Sheikh-ul-Quran and Hadith Maulana Abdul Malik, Hafiz Sajid Anwar, Muhammad Asghar and Ameerul Azeem.