Robots academy for learning copying men


ST LOUIS: A training school for robots will soon be set up in US for the robots capable of copy-pasting physical human actions.

The academy would help speed up the ability of robots to learn new tasks in everything from cooking to building cars, by using both YouTube and practical demonstrations to teach machines.

While it takes weeks for manufacturers to retool the robots on their factory line, US researchers say their teaching method could cut that time to just days.

‘We call it a ‘robot training academy,’ Yezhou Yang, a graduate student in the Autonomy, Robotics and Cognition Lab at the University of Maryland told MIT.

‘We ask an expert to show the robot a task, and let the robot figure out most parts of sequences of things it needs to do, and then fine-tune things to make it work.’

The researchers demonstrated their method at a recent conference in St. Louis, in which a robot was taught to make cocktails by watching a human bartender.