A practical manifestation of the messenger of love


By Rumaisa A. Mohimeen

Following the Prophet’s (PBUH) life is the only way that gives every moment the opportunity to remember the good life of the Holy Prophet. This renewal does not require any date or day. The aspect is great not only for Muslims, but also for non-Muslim thinkers, intellectuals and historians around the world. His life has been impressive.

History is a witness that non-Muslims in different eras have also recognized the great qualities of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The character is appreciated. The famous French historian La Martin wrote about the prophet of the end of the world that if he, may God bless him and grant him peace, is judged on the scale of the qualities of a great man, then there is no one more perfect than Muhammad. The British thinker Sir Bernard Shaw said that if If a person like Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) leads the modern world, he should solve all the problems and bring peace and prosperity to the world. Sayyid al-Anbiya, the last Prophet (PBUH), was an exemplary human being and a perfect leader. In the political field, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) provided examples of a society and system that could still create a prosperous society centuries later. Hailed as the basis of peace, the special feature of which was that it protected the rights of the parties of all religions, equality and justice, religious freedom, a rare example of joint defense and consultation, the Covenant of Medina, and also an exemplary political wisdom. It is presented as the political characteristics of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the strategy based on them is such that it can be a source of success for any country including Pakistan. By adopting the principles, Pakistan can emerge on the map as a strong, prosperous and successful state.

The glory of Khatam-ul-Nabieen’s (PBUH) personality and strategy has been praised by Muslim thinkers in every age in terms of their devotion, but non-Muslim thinkers, writers and historians have written important books on the greatness and great character and thoughts of Zaat-e-Aqdas. In which the great qualities of Sayyid al-Marsalin, political insight and ethics are praised, these books provide the best introduction to the life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) for Muslims and non-Muslims around the world. Af Muhammad writes that the leadership of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is a great example of justice and moral excellence. Byron Callender is an American writer who highlighted various aspects of the life of the Holy Prophet in his book An Animated Life. The Prophet’s (PBUH) leadership was characterized by qualities such as justice and patience, so pages and historical documents are filled with confessions of non-Muslim thinkers who influenced the personality and strategy of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) on a global level. The birth of the Prophet (PBUH) is undoubtedly a blessed day, but to limit the importance of this day only to the joy of the birth or the day is against the followers of the Prophet. The real spirit of happiness is not only in celebrating, but the main purpose of the Prophet’s love is to implement the Prophet’s (PBUH) teachings and life in our lives and to obey them wholeheartedly by engaging in every field. In fact, there is a proof of love for the Prophet (PBUH). 12 Rabi Al-Awwal day reminds us of our religious duty every year that the love of Muhammad (PBUH) is the name of reviving the Sunnah and fulfilling the responsibility of the Prophet (PBUH) through words, deeds and character. The requirement of the style of love is in the aim that it should be implemented in the individual, collective, social and political spheres and struggle to establish the system of Allah on the earth of Allah is the key to success.