‘West, Human Rights’ organizations become silent spectators over Rohingya genocide’


KARACHI: Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Karachi Ameer Hafiz Naeem-ur-Rehman has said that the western countries and international human rights organizations are become the silent spectators over the miserable condition of Muslims in Burma, adding that the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) and rulers of the Muslim World should play their due role in stopping the massacre of Muslims in Burma by Buddhist government.

He expressed these views while addressing a protest rally organized by JI Women Wing at New M A Jinnah Road on Tuesday against the Muslims genocide in Burma by Buddhist government.

A large number of protestors including women and children were attended the rally. The protestors were raised placards, banners and hoardings inscribed slogans in favour of Burmi Muslims.


JI Naib Ameer Karachi Dr Osama Razi, Nazima JI Women Wing Karachi Farhana Aurangzeb and others also spoke on the occasion.

Addressing the gathering, Hafiz Naeem said that the nuclear bomb of Pakistan is only not for it but for the entire Muslim World as the whole Muslim World was jubilant over the nuclear explosion done by the Pakistan in 1998.

He urged the Government of Pakistan to play its due role in protecting the Muslims of Burma, as none of its neighboring countries ready to give shelter to the Burmi Muslims.

Hafiz Naeem further said that the United States of America (USA) and India are the open enemy of Pakistan and the Indian Prime Minister Narinder Modi in his recent visit to Bangladesh has confessed that the India had played its role in splitting Pakistan in 1972.


“The Father of Nation, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah said that a strong Pakistan will not only protect the rights of Muslims in Pakistan but also preserve the rights of Muslims in India”, Hafiz Naeem added.

He further said that some NGOs and welfare organizations just for its vested interest are trying to get their nefarious designs on the names of welfare works.

Farhana Aurangzeb said that the women and children of Burma are waiting for the assistance; adding that Al-Khidmat is busy in carrying out welfare works in Burma, Indonesia and Malaysia.

“As a Muslim, it is our prime responsibility to help out the Muslims of Burma and raise voice against the atrocities being continued on them by Buddhist government”, she added.