Pakistan urges International community not to ignore people under occupation


UNITED NATIONS: Pakistan has urged the international community not to overlook the dire situation and suffering of peoples living under colonial and foreign occupation while implementing U.N.’s 2030 development agenda aimed at ending poverty, fighting inequalities and tackling climate change.

This was stated by Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi while addressing the General Assembly’s Second Committee, which deals with economic and financial matters.

She said we must pledge to remove the obstacles to the full realization of their right to self-determination, which prevents their economic and social development and their ability to achieve and implement sustainable development goals.

Ambassador Maleeha said we must ensure that peoples living under colonial and foreign occupation) are not left behind.

She emphasized that the right of self-determination was a fundamental right enshrined in the U.N. Charter.

She also said adoption of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Climate Agreement had renewed faith in multilateralism and international development cooperation.

Earlier, speaking in the UN’s Sixth Committee on measures to eliminate international terrorism, she said we need counter measures and a preventive approach dealing with both local and international dimensions.

Ambassador said terrorism is also a transnational phenomenon and the international community must also address” conditions conducive to terrorism.”

Maleeha Lodhi said Zarbe-e-Azb is the largest and most effective counter terrorism anywhere in the world which has deployed 200,000 of our security forces.

She said Pakistan condemns terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and calls for a comprehensive and balanced approach to fight it

She emphasized that without a holistic approach the global community will still be tackling symptoms & not causes of international terrorism.