Signature reveals personality


Your signature reflect your personality, nature, branding of character, capabilities, strength, weakness, reflections, authority and behavior.

While script or handwriting reveals personnel image i.e. the way writer deals in a particular set of personality parameters with close people and relatives. Signature is a minimum set of letters which gives maximum information about a person.

People have two different images depending on the difference in their handwriting or script and signature. More the difference in script v/s signature, more the variation in two images of a person reflected in their personality.

Big signatures:

A large sized signature indicates that the person is bold and confident and craves to be noticed. Too big and bold signature indicates that the person is arrogant.

Medium signatures:

Medium sized signature indicates that the person doesn’t desires of being noticed but wants to just fit in. People with medium sized signature are generally confident and easy going and behave the same in public as in private.

Small signatures:

Tiny signatures indicate a desire of not to be noticed. People with small signature tend to be insecure, shy and introvert and sometimes clever, cunning and selfish.

Upward slanting signature:

It indicates that the person is ambitious, optimistic and has capability of continued development.

Steady signature:

It indicates that the person has balanced approach towards life.