Sindh CM orders probe into bogus police recruitments


KARACHI: Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah expressing his dismay has ordered Anti-Corruption Establishment (ACE) to conduct inquiries into access and bogus recruitments made in police department, unjust distribution of cost of investigation funds and reportedly involvement of some police officers in heinous crimes.

A statement issued  here Friday from CM House says that the  CM Sindh has expressed his displeasure on over and above recruitments in police department.

“We had approved recruitment against 9,000 vacant positions on district level for which Selection Committee were constituted,” he said and questioned how over and above 9,000 positions recruitment were made. “I would not tolerate this kind of attitude and misuse of powers,” he said.

The CM Sindh directed Chief Secretary Siddique Memon to give this inquiry to Anti-Corruption with the directives to report within two weeks.

“I had also given this inquiry to Chief Minister Inspection Team (CMIT) and still awaiting its report,” he said and directed the Chief Secretary “let the CMIT inquiry continue in its own way but get me done it through ACE,” he said.

Talking about misappropriation or unjust distribution of funds meant for investigation, the CM Sindh said that he had approved the release of cost of investigation funds so that investigations could be made properly. “What is going on why this kind of negligence and irresponsible attitude is being demonstrated in such serious issues,” he asked and directed Chief Secretary Siddique Memon to send this matter to anti-corruption and ask them not only give its detailed report but fix the responsibility against the involved officer(s). “I would not spare such officers,” he said categorically.

Syed Qaim Ali Shah taking serious notice of the reports that some police officers carry patchy record. “They are meant to protect life and property of people but they have indulged in criminal activities,” he said and added that police department must be purged of such officers involved in heinous crimes.

He directed the CS Sindh to send inquiry of police officers involved in criminal activities to anti-Corruption and “send me the report submitted in Supreme Court of Pakistan for necessary action.”

He directed the CS Sindh to personally examine the report and give him his recommendation.