JI to observe ‘Youm-e-Urdu’, ‘Hijab Day’


LAHORE: The Jamaat e Islami has decided to observe Youme Udru (Urdu day) on Sep. 2, Hijab Day on September 4 and to celebrate the Defense of Pakistan Day on August 6.

A decision to this effect was taken at a high level meeting chaired by JI acting chief Liaqat Baloch, at Mansoora.

The meeting impressed upon the government to hold central services examinations in Urdu and also direct all government departments and agencies to record their proceedings in the national language.

On the Hijab day, the JI women wing would hold rallies and seminars to highlight the importance of Hijab and to raise its voice against the flood of nudity and vulgarity on the media.

Addressing the meeting, Liaqat Baloch said that the hold of the English language during the last 68 years had darkened the future of millions of youth.

The JI chief acting said that the Defense of Day would be celebrated with all enthusiasm and fervor  and the JI workers and leaders would renew their pledge to make every sacrifice for the independence and security of the motherland.