Transport fares reduced in Punjab


Transport fares in Punjab have been slashed by Rs30 to Rs70 after a cut in petroleum product prices.

Provincial Minister for Information, Uzma Bukhari, confirmed the move and credited Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz and her team for actively ensuring fare reductions whenever fuel prices drop.

Bukhari stated that Punjab is the only province where transport fares are lowered when fuel prices decrease, and passengers are refunded any excess charges.

She added that no other province has implemented fare reductions after fuel price cuts like Punjab has.

Following the directives of CM Maryam Nawaz, the fare reduction has been implemented immediately across the province. District administration teams are actively checking fare schedules at all bus terminals.

Bukhari emphasised that strict action will be taken against transporters charging higher fares.

“It is our responsibility to ensure the benefits of lower petrol and diesel prices reach passengers,” she said.

The minister urged transporters to cooperate with the government, noting that Maryam Nawaz is personally monitoring the situation to ensure compliance with the fare reductions.