‘Millions of Afghan children will die of hunger and severe cold’

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ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi has feared that millions of Afghan children and adults will die of hunger and severe cold, urging the world to intervene immediately.

The foreign minister said that the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan is getting serious. He added said 95 per cent of citizens have nothing to eat. The whole region is getting cold. There is a situation of drought-like due to lack of rain.

He says that if the world does not pay immediate attention, millions of Afghan children and elders will die of hunger and severe cold.

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We are taking our responsibility but Pakistan alone cannot take this responsibility. The world must intervene immediately, Qureshi said.

He said that the meeting of the OIC foreign ministers council is being held in Islamabad on December 19. The only agenda of this meeting will be the situation in Afghanistan. I want to convince the world that if Afghanistan’s situation is not taken seriously, the emerging humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan can become a serious situation, the foreign minister said.