HEC revises policy for BS students


Higher Education Commission(HEC) has revised its policy,and four-years bs pass students can also apply in Ph.D.

According to the HEC policy,from January 1 2021 the students can directly apply for Ph.D programs after passing there four-years BS program.

New HEC policy states that the minimum duration of Ph.D  will be three years while the maximum duration will  be eight years.

The HEC policy has abolished the requirement of having the previous qualification in the same discipline in order to apply for a specific Ph.D.

In case of non-implementation or violation of the policy, HEC would take action against universities.

While the Federation of All Pakistan Universities Academic Staff Association (FAPUASA) has rejected the revised policy of HEC.it has to be mention here that HEC has not issued the official notification of the policy change regarding Ph.D. admissions.