New Survey Highlights Progress and Challenges for Gender Equity


Islamabad”Over the last seven years, the number of Pakistani men who think women should have equal rights increased by 15 percent.  This was one of the many findings revealed by a recent survey assessing attitudes on gender parity.

The survey also noted that 76 percent of Pakistani men and 90 percent of women now think that women should be allowed to work – up 11 percent since 2011.  It also highlighted gaps between attitudes and practice, with barriers remaining that inhibit women’s access to economic and political opportunities.  Overall, Pakistan has made significant progress towards gender equity.

These survey results were the topic of a panel discussion today at the Evolving Attitudes on Gender Equity in Pakistan seminar, hosted by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

More than 70 representatives from civil society, government, and the international community attended the event.  Panelists explored survey findings in greater detail and provided recommendations for continued progress.

Speaking on behalf of U.S. Mission Pakistan, Ambassador Paul Jones, Chargé d’Affaires a.i., emphasized that “For societies to thrive, women and girls must have educational and employment opportunities, quality health care, and access to technology.

Gender equity and women’s empowerment are not just part of development – they are at the center of every country’s development goals.”