FP/Government of Punjab committed to implement Punjab Labor Policy

Mr. Fasihul Karaim, Secretary General, Employers Federation of Pakistan presenting memento to Ms. Sarah Aslam, Secretary Punjab Labor Department, at a Seminar on Punjab Labor Policy organized by Employers Federation of Pakistan in Lahore.

Karachi;“The Government of Punjab is totally committed to implement the Punjab Labor Policy in letter and spirit, for which an intensive action plan has been developed by Punjab Labor Department which will soon be shared with the stake holders”, this was stated by Ms. Sarah Aslam Secretary Labor, Government of Punjab, while addressing a seminar organized by Employers’ Federation of Pakistan at local hotel in Lahore.

Mr. Fasihul Karim, Secretary General, Employers Federation of Pakistan, stated that EFP is working closely with all four Provincial Labor Departments to formulate functional Labor Policies. He spearheaded the deliberations to bring about recommendation for clarity in action under them. After intense discussions on the Punjab Labour Policy, Fasihul Karim Siddiqi presented the recommendations to the Secretary Punjab Labor Department for necessary action to come out with a Labor Policy that would be acceptable to all stakeholders.