CAPE and ITUC-AP Regional Dialogue on Future of Work

Majyd Aziz, President Employers’ Federation of Pakistan and Member, Executive Board of Confederation of Asia Pacific Employers (CAPE) will attend the Regional Dialogue on Future of Work towards Sustainable and Inclusive Asia and Pacific, jointly organized for the first time by CAPE and International Trade Union Congress-Asia Pacific (ITUC-AP) in Bangkok.
Majyd Aziz will also make a presentation on “Challenges in Promotion and Implementation of Decent Work – the Employers Perspective”.
The event is the joint effort of Asia – Pacific Employers and Workers Organizations and will also be attended by Directors of ILO Bureau for Employers Activities and Bureau for Workers Activity, Secretary General and Advisor for Asia Pacific of International Organization of Employers, representatives from ILO Regional Office Bangkok and Sub-Regional Office, New Delhi, Asian Development Bank, and OECD.
Majyd Aziz will also have exclusive meetings with Police General Amnat Unardngam, Vice Minister of Thailand Ministry of Labor,  Ms Tomoko Nishimoto, ILO Regional Director for Asia and Pacific, and Ravi Peiris, Senior Specialist ILO Sub-regional Office New Delhi. He will discuss the EFP Agenda for 2019, especially EFP projects and programs in association with ILO.
During the event, Majyd Aziz, President on behalf of EFP, and Mr Ekasit Kunanantakul, President of Employers’ Confederation of Thailand, will sign an MOU of mutual cooperation and collaboration on behalf of both organizations.
During absence of EFP President, Vice President Zaki Ahmed Khan, will officiate as Acting President and Ismail Suttar as Vice President.