Afghan envoy calls on Sirajul Haq


LAHORE: The Afghan ambassador in Islamabad Hazrat Omar Zakhilwal, called on the Ameer, Jamaat e Islami, Pakistan, Senator Sirajul Haq, in Islamabad and extended him an invitation from the Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, to visit his country. 

The JI Foreign Affair chief Abdul Ghaffar Aziz and head of the JI Afghan Affairs, Shabbir Ahmed Khan, were also present at the meeting. The two sides prayed for the Afghans martyrs killed in the recent attacks.

Sirajul Haq told the Afghan envoy that the past, the present and the future of Afghanistan and Pakistan were interlinked and peace and prosperity in Afghanistan could guarantee peace and development in the entire region.

He said the JI supported purposeful dialogue between the two countries for the restoration of peace in the region.

Sirajul Haq said that the interference of the world powers was the root cause of instability in the region. He said that the use of arms and force by any side would push the region towards destruction instead of helping the solution of the problem.

He said that Pakistan had shouldered the burden of the biggest Afghan refugees in history and there was no option except friendship and fraternity between the two states.

He said the JI had made its best efforts to bring different Afghan groups on one platform during the Soviet invasion, and these efforts were continuing even now.

Sirajul Haq said that cordial relations between the two countries were essential for peace at the Pak- Afghan border spread over 1400 km.

The JI chief also impressed upon the Pakistan government to frame its foreign policy keeping in view the national interests. He said that strengthening social relations between the people of Afghanistan and Pakistan was the need of the hour.