Turabi urges govt, opposition to make coordinated efforts for liberation of Kashmir

KARACHI: Jamaat-e-Islami Azad Jammu Kashmir (AJK) Ameer and member of legislative assembly addressing press conference at Press Club. Muzaffar Ahmed Hashmi, Raja Sagheer, Minhajul Rab and others are also present.

KARACHI: Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Azad Jammu and Kashmir chief Abdul Rasheed Turabi has demanded of the government and opposition parties to make joint and coordinated efforts on the issue of Kashmir.

Addressing a press conference on Monday at the Karachi Press Club, he said that the Indian government have been attempting to change demographic proportion of the state.

He also accused Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi led government of taking steps to dim the Islamic fabric of the state of Jammu and Kashmir.

Talking about the prolonged unrest in the valley, the said that the martyrdom of Burhan Muzaffar Wani has provided the movement with a fresh boom. He said that the Indian forces have been using all nefarious steps to overcome the uprising.

KARACHI: JI AJK Ameer Abdul Rasheed Turrabi presenting bouquet to newly-elected KPC Secretary Maqsood Yousufi and office bearers.
KARACHI: JI AJK Ameer Abdul Rasheed Turrabi presenting bouquet to newly-elected KPC Secretary Maqsood Yousufi and office bearers.

He said that thousands of people have been killed, over 15,000 injured seriously while the entire region remained shut for at least six months. The velour of people and particularly youth in Kashmir is still very high, he added.

The JI leader raised the point that the issue of human right violations in Kashmir is being highlighted even in India.

He was of the view that the skirmishes on border and Line of Control with India was aimed at diverting the focus of international community from the issue of Kashmir. He said that the Amnesty International and other international non-governmental organizations have revealed the brutalities of Indian forces in Kashmir region.

Turabi demanded of the government to pace up its efforts on diplomatic front for the right of self determination for Kashmiris. He was of the view that chanting the mantra of friendship with India without resolving the issue of Kashmir is a useless effort.