Siraj urges govt to prepare roadmap for Kashmir liberation


LAHORE: Ameer, Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Pakistan, Senator Sirajul Haq, stressed upon the government to prepare a road map for the liberation of Kashmir and also inform the nation about the steps being taken in this direction.

Talking to the sectional heads of the JI at Mansoora on Thursday, he called for establishing separate Kashmir desk at the Pakistan embassies all over the world and immediately convene an international Kashmir conference. He said that such steps would raise the moral of the Kashmiris on both sides of the LoC and also earn goodwill of the nation.

The JI chief said the Kashmiris had serious doubts due to the government’s hypocritical policies on Kashmir. On one hand, the rulers were extending hands of friendship towards India and allowing the screening of Indian films in the country but on the other hand, they claimed to support the Kashmiris freedom movement.

He said that the rulers had taken very possible step to save themselves in the Panama leaks case.

Sirajul Haq said there could not be lasting peace in the region due to the Kashmir issue. Besides, he said the enemy was threatening to block river water flow to this country. He said the Indian Prime Minister Modi could go to any extent for winning elections in Indian Punjab.

He said it were the Kashmiris who had foiled India’s bid to block Pakistan’s share of river water by laying down their lives to prevent the construction of Vullar barrage.  It was a pity that while the Kashmiris were sacrificing their lives for the cause of Pakistan but the rulers in Islamabad were not ready to take any solid step for their right cause.

Sirjaul Haq also appealed to the nation to observe the Kashmir Solidarity Day on February five with national spirit and resolve not to be at ease till Pakistan’s jugular line was liberated from the enemy.

He said that the Kashmiris had offered unprecedented sacrifices for freedom. Till now, around one lakh Kashmiris had laid down their lives. Thousands of Kashmiri youth had been facing untold brutalities in torture cells and Indian jails. The mosques, madrissahs besides crops and fields of the orchards of the Kashmiris were being put on fire.

The JI chief said the Amnesty International had sent thousands of letters to the UN on the human rights violations in Kashmir but the UN was a silent spectator only because the Muslims were the victims.