Cabinet approves blanket age relaxation for govt jobs

Cabinet approves blanket age relaxation for govt jobs

KARACHI: The Sindh cabinet on Saturday approved amendments to the upper age limit rules for government jobs and passed the Civil Courts (Amendment) Bill and the Universities and Institutes Laws (Amendment) Bill, which had been returned by the governor with his observations.

Presided over by Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah at the CM House, the cabinet meeting sanctioned the Sindh Civil Servants (Relaxation of Upper Age Limit) Rules, allowing significant age relaxations for candidates seeking government employment.

Government servants with two years of continuous service will be eligible for up to five years of relaxation by the respective administrative departments. General candidates will be entitled to up to two years of relaxation by the administrative department, and up to five years by the services, general administration and coordination department.

Widows or children of the civil servants who die during service will also be eligible for up to five years of relaxation by the administrative department. Persons with disabilities, divorced women and widows will also be entitled to up to five years of relaxation by the administrative department.

Under Rule 5, upper age relaxation for general candidates would be granted based on compelling reasons and sound justifications, including medical issues, death of parents or spouse, natural calamities, delays in appointments, and recruitment bans. To assess these cases, special committees will be constituted.