What is the megapixel of human eye?

What is the megapixel of human eye?

Cameras have become an essential part of our daily life in today’s era where everyone wants more and more megapixels.

But have you ever thought about how many megapixels your eye contains?

The human eye is equivalent to about 576 megapixels (MP). This means that the human eye needs 576 MP to see the world and the sky with their original color and transparency.

Megapixels are actually a measure of the number of pixels in any image. One megapixel is equal to one million pixels.

The resolution of the human eye is estimated by the amount of spatial detail that the human eye can see in the scene.

The resolution of the human eye is greatest when the scene is changing.

But if it’s in a single scene, the resolution is much lower, around 5 to 15 megapixels.

Experts say that even the most advanced cameras cannot fully replicate the visual capabilities of the human eye.