Research says physical activity prevents cancer from spreading

Research says physical activity prevents cancer from spreading

A new study has found that regular exercise not only prevents cancer, but can also reduce the chances of it spreading.

People who started being active in the 12 months before their cancer diagnosis had a quarter less chance of the disease.

The researchers said the study found strong evidence that physical activity, along with conventional treatments, played an important role in reducing the risk of death from the disease.

Meanwhile, health experts recommend that people should take a walk after their festive feasts to foster healthier habits during this joyous season.


This, however, does not mean that you must embark on an extensive hike to enjoy the benefits of a walk because even a brief five-minute walk can help prevent the post-meal slump that many experience during this time.

Registered dietitian for MedStar Health Nicholas Fischer said that walking after having meals may help increase energy levels, improve digestion, and control blood-sugar levels