Now AI mirror can analyze your health

Now AI mirror can analyze your health

Now everything is becoming smart, but can mirrors also be smart?

Yes indeed, during the ongoing Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, the French company Withings introduced a mirror equipped with artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

This giant mirror called Omina helps in health analysis.

According to the company, this smart mirror checks various aspects of your health and then an AI voice assistant provides feedback.

If the user wants then he can also consult a doctor online (if this facility is available in your country).

This mirror can tell your body weight, check heart health and metabolic health.

Similarly, it can collect data from smartwatches, blood pressure monitors or smart beds to tell about health.

Apart from real-time feedback, the AI ​​voice assistant can also provide guidance on various matters or try to cheer you up, the company said.

But this mirror is not being offered for sale right now, it is currently a concept device.

According to the company, it is still being worked on and it is hard to say when it will be fully ready.