Headphone use can impact your hearing health

Headphone use can impact your hearing health

In today’s era, the use of headphones is common but majority are unaware of its disadvantages.

Using headphones can seriously damage your hearing, especially if you use them for long periods of time.

The disadvantage of the earphones comes to light even more quickly when listened to at high volume.
The following is being written for the readers about what effects headphones can have on hearing.

Tinnitus: Ringing in the ears

Difficulty hearing: Difficulty hearing in noisy environments or not being able to hear people clearly even in normal situations.

Sensorineural hearing loss: Damage to hair cells in the inner ear or auditory nerve, which can make it difficult to recognize sounds.


If you use headphones, you can try these tips to protect your hearing:

1) Taking a break is important if you use headphones daily. You can try the 60/60 rule, which means keeping the headphones at 60 per cent volume for 60 minutes and then taking a break from the headphones after an hour.

2) Use headphones that fit comfortably over the ear.

3) Make sure your headphones have a separate volume control button.
Avoid sounds that are too loud or too long. The World Health Organization (WHO) considers 80 dB of volume to be a safe listening level during eight hours of work.

Likewise, constant use of earphones can push earwax further into the ear canals, which can block sound.