Eat this fruit every week to avoid death from heart attack

Eat this fruit every week to avoid death from heart attack

Scientists have found that eating four apples a week can reduce the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by nearly 40 per cent.

A new study says that bananas are also very useful in this case and reduce premature deaths by 30 per cent.

And if both fruits are eaten three or four times a week, the chances of premature death are reduced by 50 per cent.

In the study published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition, Chinese researchers examined 2,184 middle-aged men and women with high cholesterol levels.

The study spanning more than 10 years found that people who ate three to four apples per week were 39 per cent less likely to die from any cause than those who didn’t eat the fruit.

Banana consumption, on the other hand, had similar effects.