Control of social media given to military

How many Pakistanis using Facebook, Instagram and TikTok?

The control over social media has been handed over to army in the Pakistan’s arch-rival neighbouring country.

The Indian defence ministry has transferred the powers to take notice regarding illegal content on the military on social media platforms to the armed forces.

In this connection, a senior military officer from the Additional Directorate General of Strategic Communication has been appointed as the nodal officer.

The said officer may send a notice over illegal material regarding the Indian army on the social media  under the IT Act, a media report says. He can make a request to remove the controversial content from the social media platforms.

Prior to the development, the India army was relying on the ministry of electronics and IT to remove illegal content.

Now, after the notification, the army officer can send notice directly to the media platforms after identifying the cases.

India media quoting army sources said that the new order  allows for prompt responses to misinformation, particularly from accounts believed to be linked to enemy entities.