State Dept once again rejects charges of involvement in Imran Khan’s ouster

Legal action against Imran Khan to be decided by Pakistani courts: US

A spokesperson for the State Department has said that the allegations of US role in the removal of Imran Khan from the Prime Ministership are false.

Speaking at a press conference, Spokesperson Matthew Miller said that legal action against the former prime minister is a matter for Pakistani courts.

He said that the allegations that America played any role in the dismissal of PTI’s founder from the prime ministership are false,. We have cleared this many times from this podium, he added.

Miller further said that the people of Pakistan has to decide the issue of politics according to their law and constitution.

Addressing concerns about Congress members who have called on President Biden to advocate for Khan’s release being belittled on social media, the spokesperson said: “We do not know who is behind circulating that information, but if people have issues with US officials, they should engage on the merits of those issues, rather than resorting to personal attacks related to religion or sexual orientation.”