Federal Budget 2024 is worst in country’s history: Abbasi ,

Federal Budget 2024 is worst in country’s history: Abbasi ,

Former prime minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi has said that the current federal budget is the worst budget in the history of Pakistan.

Addressing a press conference in Islamabad today, Shahid Khan said that a budget has been passed in the country, it is not difficult to say that it is the worst budget in the history of Pakistan.

He said either the country’s economy will remain or this budget will remain. If this budget is implemented, there will be disaster, he warned.

Khaqan Abbasi said that the government should have reduced its expenses first. Rs500 billion rupees in the form of development funds will be distributed among MNAs and MPAs. Cigarettes worth billions of rupees are being stolen openly.

He said that how the economy will move forward in these conditions, the government should reduce its expenditure before imposing so many taxes on the people. The entire burden has been put on the salaried class while 25 per cent of the country’s total income is used on government expenditure.