Rising inflation: Traders to protest countrywide after Eid


The traders association will launch protests across the country after Eidul Fitr against the rising inflation and worsening economic conditions.

Speaking during a press conference, Markazi Tanzeem Tajran President Muhammad Kashif Chaudhry said that traders all over Pakistan would organise conventions and demonstrations if issues were not resolved.

He regretted that the government did not pass on a reduction in crude oil prices in the international market to the people and on the other hand, it was not ready to bring down its non-development expenses.

Criticising the government, Chaudhry said that the issues could be addressed if the government was serious and sincere in doing so. “Neither the politicians, ministers nor bureaucracy is ready to cut their expenses and are getting free fuel and other benefits as usual,” he added.

He said the government should immediately announce a reduction in non-development expenses by 50%.

Chaudhry also asked the government to stop the humiliation of poor masses in the name of the provision of free flour.