105-year old Pakistani performs hajj after years of saving


After saving money for almost 15 years, 105-year old Noor Mohammed finally made it to Makkah to perform Hajj.

In an interview he said “My repeated failures to perform Hajj did not deter me. I continued my struggle to save money and embark on the journey of the lifetime.”

The Hajj costs were increasing year after year. Every time he tried to collect enough money, he would fail because of the difficult financial conditions of his family, Mohammad said.

He was only able to save the Hajj money at this old age, he added.

“When I crossed 100, I was able to save the required amount of money to accomplish my life-long dream,” he said.

He said when he arrived in Saudi Arabia for the first time, he discovered Hajj was not as difficult as he used to think.

Mohammed said his friends, who are all dead now, used to speak to him about hardships and difficulties during the Hajj.

“It is now easy to move between the holy sites. It is also easy to perform the rites. This is contrary to the picture I have conjured about the Hajj for many years,” he said.