علی نام،ابوالحسن اور ابوتراب کنیت،حیدر (شیر)لقب ہے،آنحضرت صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے حقیقی چچا زاد بھائی تھے۔ حضرت علی ؓ ۳۵ ھ میں خلیفہ مسلمین منتخب ہو ئے۔حضرت عثمانؓکی شہادت کے بعد لوگ اس فکر میں تھے کہ خلیفہ کون ہو گا ۔اس کے لیے مدینہ میں لوگوں سے را ئے لی گئی تمام کی ر ائے تھی کہ خلیفہ مسلمین حضرت علی ؓ ہونے چاہییں ۔پھر تمام لوگوں نے بیعت عام کی۔خلیفہ منتخب ہونے کے بعد اپنے پہلے خطبے میں آپ نے فرمایا۔ اللہ تعالیٰ نے اپنی کتاب کو ہادی بنا کے بھیجا ہے جو خیر و شر کی وضا حت کرتی ہے ۔خیر کو اختیار کریں اور شر سے کنارہ کش رہیں۔
سب سے فائق حُرمت مسلمان کی ہے۔عوام و خواص دونوں کے حقوق ادا کرنے میں عُجلت سے کام لیں۔آخرت کا خیال کریں۔اللہ تعالیٰ کی اطاعت کریں۔رمضان ۲ ھ میں جنگ بدر ہوئی ۔عام جنگ شروع ہونے سے پہلے جب قریش نے جنگ میں للکارا کہ ہمارے مقابلے کے لیے رشتہ داروں کو سامنے لائو۔ وہ ہم سے مقابلہ کریں تو رسول ؐ اللہ نے کہا حضرت حمزہ ؓ اٹھو،حضرت عبیدہؓ اُٹھواور حضرت علی ؓ اُٹھو۔ دوبدو لڑا ئی شروع ہوئی۔ حضرت علی ؓ نے ولید بن عتبہ کو قتل کیا ۔
جنگ خندق میں دشمن ایک تنگ کنارے سے اپنے گھوڑ ے سمیت اُچھلے اور مدینہ کے اندر داخل ہو گئے۔انہی فوجیوں میں عمرو بن عبدودّ بھی تھا ۔جو اپنے آپ کو تنہا ایک ہزار شہسواروں کے برابر سمجھتا تھا ۔ متکبرعمرو آ کر کھڑا ہوا اور بولا کون ہے جو میرے مقابلہ میں آنے کی ہمّت رکھتا ہے۔اس کے مقابلے کے لیے حضرت علی ؓ نکلے اور فرمایا ۔اے عمرو تم نے اللہ سے عہد کیا تھاکہ اگر کسی قریش کے فرد نے تم کو دو چیزوں کی دعوت دی تو تم ایک ضرور قبول کرو گے ۔اس نے کہا بیشک۔۔۔ حضرت علی ؓ نے فرمایا میںتم کو اللہ اور اس کے رسولؐ اور اسلام کی دعوت دیتا ہوں۔عمرو بولا مجھے اس کی ضرورت نہیں ہے۔
حضرت علی ؓ نے فرمایا پھر تم کو مقابلہ پر آنے کی دعوت دیتا ہوں۔عمرو بولا کیوں ؟ میرے بھتیجے ،بھائی کے لڑکے، میں تم کو قتل نہیں کرنا چاہتا۔ حضرت علیؓ نے فرمایا لیکن میں واللہ تم کو قتل کرنا چاہتا ہوں۔یہ سن کر اُس کو جوش سا آگیا اپنے گھوڑے سے کود کر اس کی کوچیں کاٹ دیں اور اس کے چہرہ پر ایک ضرب لگائی اور حضرت علی ؓ کے سامنے تلوار سونت کر کھڑا ہو گیا ۔دونوں کی تلواریں چلنے لگیں بوڑھے نے پھر وار کیا ۔اتنے میں حضرت علی ؓ کی تلوار نے اس کا کام تمام کر دیا۔ابن کثیرؒ کہتے ہیں حضرت علی ؓ غزوہ اُحد میں موجود تھے، لشکرے اسلام کا میمنہ سنبھال ہوئے تھے۔
حضرت معصب بن عمیر ؓ کی شہادت کے بعد عَلم آپ ہی نے اپنے ہاتھ میں لیا۔اور اُحد کے موقع میں سخت جنگ کی ۔لا تعداد مشرکوں کو ٹھکانے لگایا۔ رسولؐ اللہ کے چہرۂ مبارک سے بہتے ہو ئے خون کو دھویا، کیونکہ جب آپ ؐ پر دشمن نے وار کیا تو سر مبارک پر زخم آ ئے تھے اور آگے کے دو دندانِ مبارک شہید ہو گئے تھے۔اس طرح خیبر کی جنگ میں بھی یہودی شہسوار مرحب کو حضرت علیؓ نے جہنم واصل کیاتھا۔ ان کی امارت کے دوران جب کوفہ کے لوگوں نے شکایت کے اندازمیں کہا کیا بات ہے؟ خلیفہ مسلمین آپ کے دور میں سکون نہیں جیسے آپ سے پہلے خلفاء کے دور میں تھا۔ آپ نے ان سے فرمایا میں ان کا مشیر تھا اور تم میرے مشیر ہو۔ اس طرح ان کو مدلل جواب دیا ۔ حضرت علی ؓ نے حضرت ابو بکر ؓ کی بیعت کے بعد مکمل تعاون کیا۔
حضرت ابو سعید الخدری ؒ سے روایت ہے حضرت ابوبکرؓ منبر پر چڑھے اور لوگوں پر نظر ڈالی ان میں حضرت علی ؓ کو نہیں پایا تو ان کو بلا کر کہا۔ اے رسولؐ اللہ کے عمّ زاد بھائی اور آپ ؐ کے داماد کیا آپ پسند کرتے ہیں کہ مسلمانوں کا اتحاد پارہ پارہ ہو جا ئے ؟ حضرت علی ؓ نے کہا مجھے کوئی شکایت نہیں اے خلیفہ رسول ؐ یہ کہہ کر آپ نے بیعت کر لی۔ابن کثیر ؒنے کہا اس واقعہ کا ایک اہم اور قابلِ ذکر پہلو یہ ہے کہ حضرت علی ؓ نے پہلے ہی دن بیعت کی ہے۔یا وفات کے دوسرے روز اور یہی حقیقت امر ہے کیونکہ حضرت علی ؓ نے کسی وقت حضرت ابوبکر ؓ کا ساتھ نہیں چھوڑا اور کسی نماز میں بھی غیرحاضر نہیں رہے۔
مشہور ہے کہ حضرت علی ؓ نے ضروری سمجھا کہ حضرت فاطمہ ؓ کے احساسات،جذبات کا کسی درجہ لحاظ کریں اس لیے حضرت ابوبکر ؓ کی بیعت نہیں کی پھر جب فاطمہ ؓ کا چھ ماہ بعد انتقال ہو گیا تو حضرت علی ؓ نے بر سرِ عام بیعت کی ۔ ابن کثیر ؒ اور دوسرے اہل علم کا رُجحان اس طرف ہے یہ دوسری بیعت پہلی بیعت کی توثیق وتجدید تھی۔اس سلسلہ میں صحیحین اور اُن کے علاوہ دوسری کتابوں میںمتعدد روائتیں ہیں۔ قناعت پسندی اور مسلمانوں کے بیت المال کا اتنا خیال تھا کہ ان کے دور حکومت میں ایک دہقان نے خوشبو کی ایک شیشی تحفے میں پیش کی جو انہوں نے اپنے پاس نہیں رکھی۔ بلکہ بیت المال میں جمع کروا دی۔ اُن کی شہادت کے بعد اُن کے صاحبزادے حضرت حسن ؓ نے خطبہ دیا اور کہاکہ اے لوگوں کل تم سے ایسا شخص جُدا ہوا ہے جس نے سونا چاندی نہیں چھوڑا صرف ۷۰۰ سودرہم اس کی تحویل میں تھے جو اس کو بیت المال کے مقررہ حصہ میں سے ملے تھے ۔یہ تھی چوتھے خلیفہ راشد کی وراثت جو اُن کے صاحبزادے ؓنے بتائی ۔ آج کل کے مسلمان حکمرانوں کے اثاثوں کے متعلق آپ اخبارات میں پڑھتے رہتے ہیں ۔ حضرت علی ؓ کی خلافت چار سال نو ماہ رہی۔
ابن مُلجم خارجی کے ہاتھوں ۴۰ ھ میںشہادت پائی۔ اس وقت ان کی عمر۶۳ سال تھی۔اس کے بعد خلفا ء راشدین ؓکا دور ختم ہوا ۔آج بھی مسلمان علماء اپنے واعظ و تقاریرمیں اس سنہری دور کا ذکر عام مسلمانوں سےمسلسل کرتے رہتے ہیںاور دنیا کے مسلمانوں کی دلی خواہش کہ مدینہ کی حکومت الہیٰا جو رسولؐ اللہ صلی علیہ و سلم نے قائم کی تھی اور جس کو خلفاء راشیدین ؓنے اس دنیا میں کامیابی سے چلا کر دکھا یاتھاکا وہ دور پھر سے آ ئے اور دنیا سکھ کا سانس لے امن وامان ہو۔خلفائے راشدین کی حکومت میں کسی فرد یا قبیلہ کی بجائے اللہ تعالیٰ کی حاکمیت تھی۔
خزانہ عوام کا تھا نہ کہ خلیفہ یا کسی قبیلے کا۔ علم کی قدر تھی۔ ایک دوسرے کا احترام تھا۔ آزاد رائے سے انتخاب ہوتا تھا۔ محبت تھی،عد ل و انصاف تھا،عزت ِ نفس تھی،مشاورت تھی،برابری کے حقوق تھے۔،خواتین کے بطور انسان برابر کے حقوق تھے اور ان سے مشاورت کی جاتی تھی ان کی رائے پر عمل کیا جاتا تھا۔ امن وامان تھا ،آسمان سے رزق برس رہا تھا، زمین نے اپنے خزانے اُگل دیے تھے۔
خلفائے راشدین ؓ نے موجودہ دور کے مسلمان حکمرانوں کی طرح دولت جمع نہیں کی تھی بلکہ دولت کی مساویانہ تقسیم کا انتظام رائج کیا گیا تھا۔ لوگ زکوٰۃ ہاتھوں میں لیے لیے پھرتے تھے مگر اتنی خوشحالی تھی کہ لینے والا نہیں ملتا تھا۔ اسی طرز کی اسلامی فلاحی ریاست ، مسلمانوں کو قائم کرنا چاہیے۔ اب بھی علماء اپنے واعظ و تقاریروں میں اس سنہری دور کا ذکر عام مسلمانوں سے مسلسل کرتے رہتے ہیںاور دنیا کے مسلمانوں کی دلی خواہش ہے کہ مدینہ کی اسلامی فلاحی ریاست جو رسول اللہ صلی علیہ و سلم نے قائم کی تھی اور جس کو خلفائے راشدینؓ نے اس دنیا میں کامیابی سے چلا کر دکھا یا تھاکا وہ دور پھر سے مسلمان ملکوں میں قائم ہو اور مسلمان دشمنوں کا مقابلہ کر سکیں اور سکھ کا سانس بھی لیں۔
اس وقت دنیا کے دو سو ملک کررونا وائرس کی زد میں ہیں۔ معیشت کا پہّیہ رک گیا ہے۔ انسانیت سسک رہی ہے۔ دنیا میںہر طر ف مسلمانوں پر ظلم ہو رہا ہے۔ کیا ظالموں کے لیے اللہ کی طرف سے وارنیگ نہیںہے کہ وہ مسلمانوں پر ظلم ختم کر دیں۔ ظالموں کا چاہیے کہ وہ پر ظلم ختم کریں ۔ہر کسی کو آزادی سے زندہ رہنے کاحق دیں۔ جیسے مدینے کی اسلامی ریاست اور بعد میں خلفائے راشدینؓ کے سنہری دور میں تھا۔اللہ دنیا کو اس آزمایش سے نکالے، آمین۔
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Eberhard, Robert (September 2011).
I could not refrain from commenting. Very well written.
Way cool! Some extremely valid points! I appreciate you penning this write-up and the rest of the site is also really good.
The above strategies are quite a bit of labor, effort and persistence – it might not be attainable for people or small to medium enterprise homeowners to fend for themselves.
Howdy! I could have sworn I’ve been to this web site before but after going through a few of the posts I realized it’s new to me. Regardless, I’m certainly pleased I came across it and I’ll be bookmarking it and checking back regularly!
Rules for classification: 1) factors; 2) objective difference; 3) variety of goals scored.
These homes included Etro – famous for its paisley patterns – and Missoni.
Hello! I could have sworn I’ve been to your blog before but after browsing through a few of the posts I realized it’s new to me. Anyhow, I’m definitely happy I discovered it and I’ll be book-marking it and checking back regularly!
I used to be able to find good advice from your content.
Good web site you have got here.. It’s hard to find good quality writing like yours nowadays. I seriously appreciate individuals like you! Take care!!
I was more than happy to uncover this web site. I want to to thank you for ones time due to this wonderful read!! I definitely appreciated every little bit of it and i also have you saved as a favorite to see new things in your site.
Great info. Lucky me I found your site by chance (stumbleupon). I have saved it for later!
Aw, this was an extremely nice post. Spending some time and actual effort to generate a good article… but what can I say… I procrastinate a whole lot and don’t manage to get anything done.
Oh my goodness! Amazing article dude! Thank you so much, However I am having problems with your RSS. I don’t understand the reason why I cannot join it. Is there anyone else having similar RSS issues? Anybody who knows the solution can you kindly respond? Thanx!
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Hello there! This blog post could not be written any better! Looking through this article reminds me of my previous roommate! He continually kept preaching about this. I will send this post to him. Pretty sure he will have a great read. Thank you for sharing!
An intriguing discussion is definitely worth comment. I do think that you need to publish more about this subject matter, it may not be a taboo subject but generally people don’t discuss these subjects. To the next! Cheers.
You made some good points there. I checked on the internet to find out more about the issue and found most people will go along with your views on this website.
Hi, I do believe this is a great website. I stumbledupon it 😉 I am going to revisit yet again since i have book marked it. Money and freedom is the best way to change, may you be rich and continue to help others.
That is a really good tip especially to those fresh to the blogosphere. Simple but very precise information… Thanks for sharing this one. A must read post!
I could not resist commenting. Well written.
I’m amazed, I have to admit. Rarely do I encounter a blog that’s both equally educative and entertaining, and without a doubt, you’ve hit the nail on the head. The problem is something which not enough folks are speaking intelligently about. I am very happy I stumbled across this during my hunt for something regarding this.
I couldn’t resist commenting. Exceptionally well written.
You’ve made some good points there. I looked on the internet to find out more about the issue and found most people will go along with your views on this website.
I used to be able to find good information from your blog posts.
I was pretty pleased to discover this page. I want to to thank you for ones time due to this fantastic read!! I definitely enjoyed every part of it and I have you saved to fav to see new stuff on your blog.
Everyone loves it when people come together and share opinions. Great site, keep it up.
This is a topic that’s close to my heart… Cheers! Where can I find the contact details for questions?
Excellent post! We are linking to this particularly great post on our site. Keep up the great writing.
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Having read this I believed it was very informative. I appreciate you finding the time and energy to put this article together. I once again find myself personally spending way too much time both reading and posting comments. But so what, it was still worthwhile.
Next time I read a blog, I hope that it doesn’t disappoint me just as much as this particular one. After all, I know it was my choice to read, but I genuinely believed you would probably have something helpful to talk about. All I hear is a bunch of moaning about something that you could fix if you weren’t too busy searching for attention.
Good post! We will be linking to this particularly great post on our site. Keep up the good writing.
I really like it when individuals come together and share opinions. Great blog, stick with it.
Right here is the perfect web site for anybody who would like to understand this topic. You realize a whole lot its almost tough to argue with you (not that I really will need to…HaHa). You definitely put a brand new spin on a topic that’s been discussed for many years. Excellent stuff, just excellent.
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An interesting discussion is definitely worth comment. I do think that you ought to write more about this subject matter, it may not be a taboo matter but typically folks don’t speak about such topics. To the next! Kind regards.
I like reading an article that will make men and women think. Also, thank you for allowing for me to comment.
Right here is the right site for everyone who would like to understand this topic. You understand a whole lot its almost tough to argue with you (not that I actually would want to…HaHa). You certainly put a fresh spin on a subject that’s been discussed for a long time. Great stuff, just excellent.
I love it when people come together and share views. Great website, continue the good work.
Hi! I simply would like to offer you a big thumbs up for the excellent info you have got right here on this post. I am returning to your blog for more soon.
Howdy! I could have sworn I’ve visited this site before but after going through some of the posts I realized it’s new to me. Nonetheless, I’m certainly pleased I stumbled upon it and I’ll be bookmarking it and checking back regularly!
Great blog you have got here.. It’s hard to find good quality writing like yours nowadays. I seriously appreciate individuals like you! Take care!!
Nice post. I learn something totally new and challenging on websites I stumbleupon everyday. It will always be exciting to read content from other authors and practice a little something from their websites.
This is a topic that’s near to my heart… Cheers! Where can I find the contact details for questions?
Having read this I thought it was extremely informative. I appreciate you taking the time and energy to put this content together. I once again find myself personally spending a lot of time both reading and posting comments. But so what, it was still worth it.
This is a topic which is close to my heart… Many thanks! Exactly where are your contact details though?
Hi! I just wish to give you a big thumbs up for your great info you’ve got right here on this post. I will be coming back to your site for more soon.
I needed to thank you for this fantastic read!! I definitely loved every little bit of it. I have you book marked to check out new stuff you post…
An intriguing discussion is definitely worth comment. There’s no doubt that that you ought to publish more on this topic, it might not be a taboo matter but generally people don’t talk about these issues. To the next! All the best!
Oh my goodness! Amazing article dude! Thank you, However I am experiencing troubles with your RSS. I don’t understand why I am unable to subscribe to it. Is there anybody else getting the same RSS problems? Anyone that knows the solution can you kindly respond? Thanks.
Hi, There’s no doubt that your site might be having internet browser compatibility issues. Whenever I take a look at your web site in Safari, it looks fine however, if opening in I.E., it’s got some overlapping issues. I simply wanted to provide you with a quick heads up! Aside from that, wonderful website.
I’m impressed, I must say. Seldom do I encounter a blog that’s equally educative and interesting, and without a doubt, you’ve hit the nail on the head. The problem is something that too few people are speaking intelligently about. I’m very happy that I found this during my search for something regarding this.
Hello there! This blog post couldn’t be written any better! Going through this post reminds me of my previous roommate! He continually kept talking about this. I most certainly will forward this post to him. Pretty sure he’s going to have a good read. Thank you for sharing!
Good article. I will be experiencing some of these issues as well..
Spot on with this write-up, I absolutely believe that this amazing site needs much more attention. I’ll probably be returning to read through more, thanks for the information!
Hello! I could have sworn I’ve visited this site before but after looking at some of the articles I realized it’s new to me. Anyhow, I’m definitely happy I found it and I’ll be bookmarking it and checking back often!
The nearly instantaneous nature of e-mail and other digital communication methods have made communication over a distance far easier than it used to be, and has led many people to call traditional physical correspondence “snail mail.” There’s even an e-mail version of junk physical mail: spam.
Hi there! This post could not be written much better! Reading through this post reminds me of my previous roommate! He always kept talking about this. I am going to send this information to him. Pretty sure he will have a good read. Thanks for sharing!
It’s not the proximity of your hemisphere to the solar that makes summer season warm and winter cold; it is the angle that the solar’s rays hit us.
For many cars and trucks, manufacturers seek the cheapest suppliers they can find to make each of the components that bolt together to form a complete automobile.
The choice ended a five-year marketing campaign to have the tracks by means of downtown Passaic eliminated.
I was able to find good info from your blog posts.
Survivors embody his spouse, Mrs.
Hello! I could have sworn I’ve visited this web site before but after browsing through a few of the posts I realized it’s new to me. Anyhow, I’m definitely happy I stumbled upon it and I’ll be book-marking it and checking back frequently.
I love it whenever people come together and share views. Great site, keep it up!
Your style is unique compared to other people I have read stuff from. Many thanks for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I’ll just book mark this blog.
The ideas you choose to use hinge directly on your budget, as well as the number of kids in attendance.
Spot on with this write-up, I truly feel this site needs a great deal more attention. I’ll probably be back again to see more, thanks for the info.
Hi, I do think this is a great web site. I stumbledupon it 😉 I will return yet again since I book marked it. Money and freedom is the greatest way to change, may you be rich and continue to help other people.
Good post. I learn something totally new and challenging on blogs I stumbleupon every day. It will always be interesting to read content from other authors and practice something from their sites.
S Club eight performed in the studio in their first televised performance.
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Everything is very open with a clear description of the issues. It was definitely informative. Your website is very helpful. Thank you for sharing.
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It’s nearly impossible to find educated people on this subject, however, you seem like you know what you’re talking about! Thanks
Greetings! Very useful advice in this particular post! It is the little changes that make the greatest changes. Thanks for sharing!
This is a really good tip especially to those new to the blogosphere. Simple but very accurate information… Appreciate your sharing this one. A must read article.
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Howdy! I simply would like to give you a huge thumbs up for your great information you’ve got here on this post. I will be returning to your site for more soon.
Your style is very unique compared to other people I’ve read stuff from. Thank you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I will just book mark this blog.
I was very pleased to find this web site. I wanted to thank you for your time for this particularly wonderful read!! I definitely loved every bit of it and I have you book-marked to check out new information on your site.
Hi, I do believe this is an excellent web site. I stumbledupon it 😉 I am going to return yet again since i have saved as a favorite it. Money and freedom is the best way to change, may you be rich and continue to help other people.
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Hi there! This blog post couldn’t be written any better! Looking through this post reminds me of my previous roommate! He continually kept talking about this. I am going to send this information to him. Fairly certain he’s going to have a good read. Thank you for sharing!
This website definitely has all the information I needed concerning this subject and didn’t know who to ask.
A fascinating discussion is definitely worth comment. I believe that you need to write more on this topic, it might not be a taboo subject but generally people don’t discuss these issues. To the next! Kind regards!
Doug Blanton officiating. Wednesday in the Santa Barbara cemetery in Santa Barbara, Calif.
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Imported glass objects first reached China through the late Spring and Autumn interval (early fifth century BCE), within the type of polychrome eye beads.
I blog often and I seriously appreciate your information. Your article has really peaked my interest. I will book mark your blog and keep checking for new information about once per week. I subscribed to your RSS feed too.
I love reading through a post that can make people think. Also, thanks for allowing me to comment.
This excellent website certainly has all of the info I needed concerning this subject and didn’t know who to ask.
Having read this I thought it was very enlightening. I appreciate you spending some time and effort to put this informative article together. I once again find myself spending a significant amount of time both reading and commenting. But so what, it was still worthwhile!
Aw, this was a really good post. Taking a few minutes and actual effort to make a very good article… but what can I say… I procrastinate a lot and never manage to get anything done.
Her style is flexible and might cowl something from officewear to travel comfort, with fun colors and textures that anybody would love to play with.
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In 2022, the Biden-Harris administration proposed new laws that will improve power effectivity requirements for mild bulbs from forty five lumens per watt to a hundred and twenty lumens per watt, effectively banning CFLs, which produce up to 70 lumens per watt.
Having read this I believed it was really informative. I appreciate you spending some time and effort to put this short article together. I once again find myself spending a lot of time both reading and leaving comments. But so what, it was still worthwhile.
Oh my goodness! Amazing article dude! Thanks, However I am experiencing troubles with your RSS. I don’t know why I am unable to subscribe to it. Is there anyone else getting the same RSS problems? Anybody who knows the answer can you kindly respond? Thanx.
Good article. I will be experiencing some of these issues as well..
Good post. I learn something totally new and challenging on websites I stumbleupon every day. It will always be helpful to read through content from other authors and use something from their websites.
Aw, this was an extremely good post. Finding the time and actual effort to produce a good article… but what can I say… I procrastinate a lot and never seem to get nearly anything done.
Greetings! Very useful advice within this post! It’s the little changes that make the largest changes. Thanks for sharing!
I quite like reading through an article that will make people think. Also, many thanks for allowing for me to comment.
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He represented Japan at the 2010, 2014 and 2018 FIFA World Cups, earning over ninety caps, and was additionally named in the final 26-participant squad for the 2022 FIFA World Cup earlier than saying retirement from international football one month later.
Way cool! Some very valid points! I appreciate you writing this write-up plus the rest of the site is extremely good.
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I was able to find good information from your blog posts.
The next time I read a blog, I hope that it doesn’t fail me just as much as this particular one. I mean, Yes, it was my choice to read through, but I actually thought you would have something interesting to talk about. All I hear is a bunch of complaining about something that you could fix if you weren’t too busy seeking attention.
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Greetings! Very helpful advice within this article! It’s the little changes that produce the biggest changes. Many thanks for sharing!
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I blog often and I genuinely thank you for your information. This great article has really peaked my interest. I will book mark your blog and keep checking for new information about once per week. I opted in for your RSS feed too.
Way cool! Some extremely valid points! I appreciate you writing this post and also the rest of the site is extremely good.
This is a topic which is close to my heart… Best wishes! Where can I find the contact details for questions?
Aw, this was an incredibly nice post. Finding the time and actual effort to produce a good article… but what can I say… I hesitate a whole lot and don’t seem to get anything done.
A motivating discussion is worth comment. I do think that you need to write more about this subject, it may not be a taboo subject but generally people don’t talk about such topics. To the next! Best wishes!
This page truly has all of the information I needed concerning this subject and didn’t know who to ask.
Howdy, I do think your site might be having internet browser compatibility issues. When I take a look at your web site in Safari, it looks fine however, when opening in I.E., it’s got some overlapping issues. I simply wanted to provide you with a quick heads up! Besides that, wonderful website.
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Sizes range from single to four-finger packs, as well as single finger treats about 1/3rd the length of a normal finger.
When I originally commented I appear to have clicked the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and from now on every time a comment is added I receive 4 emails with the exact same comment. There has to be a way you can remove me from that service? Thanks.
Good day! I could have sworn I’ve visited this web site before but after browsing through many of the articles I realized it’s new to me. Anyhow, I’m definitely happy I found it and I’ll be bookmarking it and checking back frequently.
Aw, this was an exceptionally nice post. Finding the time and actual effort to generate a good article… but what can I say… I put things off a lot and don’t seem to get nearly anything done.
Right here is the right web site for anybody who wishes to find out about this topic. You realize a whole lot its almost hard to argue with you (not that I really will need to…HaHa). You certainly put a fresh spin on a topic that’s been written about for decades. Excellent stuff, just excellent.
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I blog frequently and I seriously thank you for your content. The article has truly peaked my interest. I am going to book mark your site and keep checking for new details about once per week. I opted in for your Feed too.
I’m impressed, I must say. Seldom do I encounter a blog that’s both educative and interesting, and without a doubt, you’ve hit the nail on the head. The problem is something that too few folks are speaking intelligently about. I am very happy I stumbled across this during my search for something concerning this.
You are so cool! I do not believe I’ve read anything like this before. So nice to find somebody with a few genuine thoughts on this topic. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This website is one thing that is required on the web, someone with a little originality.
June 29: In a meeting together with his top commanders at Berchtesgaden, Hitler refuses to take heed to their bleak reports on the state of the battle.
It’s hard to find experienced people about this subject, but you seem like you know what you’re talking about! Thanks
I have to thank you for the efforts you’ve put in penning this website. I really hope to view the same high-grade blog posts from you later on as well. In fact, your creative writing abilities has motivated me to get my very own site now 😉
Good post. I will be dealing with a few of these issues as well..
Oh my goodness! Amazing article dude! Thank you, However I am having difficulties with your RSS. I don’t know the reason why I cannot join it. Is there anybody else getting similar RSS issues? Anybody who knows the answer will you kindly respond? Thanx!!
An intriguing discussion is definitely worth comment. I think that you should write more on this topic, it might not be a taboo subject but typically folks don’t speak about these issues. To the next! Kind regards!
Spot on with this write-up, I seriously believe that this site needs a great deal more attention. I’ll probably be back again to read more, thanks for the information.
Wonderful article! We will be linking to this particularly great article on our website. Keep up the good writing.
I’d like to thank you for the efforts you’ve put in penning this site. I am hoping to view the same high-grade blog posts from you later on as well. In fact, your creative writing abilities has encouraged me to get my own, personal blog now 😉
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Very nice article. I certainly love this website. Continue the good work!
I really like it whenever people get together and share ideas. Great blog, continue the good work.
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There’s definately a lot to find out about this subject. I love all the points you have made.
Hi there! I could have sworn I’ve been to your blog before but after going through a few of the posts I realized it’s new to me. Anyhow, I’m certainly pleased I came across it and I’ll be bookmarking it and checking back regularly.
Spot on with this write-up, I absolutely believe that this site needs a great deal more attention. I’ll probably be returning to read more, thanks for the info!
I was able to find good advice from your content.
Saved as a favorite, I love your blog.
Excellent post! We are linking to this particularly great article on our site. Keep up the good writing.
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Pretty! This has been a really wonderful article. Many thanks for providing these details.
This site was… how do I say it? Relevant!! Finally I’ve found something which helped me. Cheers.
This is a good tip particularly to those fresh to the blogosphere. Brief but very precise info… Thanks for sharing this one. A must read post!
When a currency floats, quantities other than the exchange rate itself are used to administer monetary policy (see open-market operations).
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Hello there! I could have sworn I’ve visited this site before but after going through a few of the posts I realized it’s new to me. Regardless, I’m definitely happy I came across it and I’ll be bookmarking it and checking back frequently!
There is certainly a great deal to know about this issue. I really like all the points you made.
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After OPEC and Russia failed to agree on oil production cuts on 6 March and Saudi Arabia and Russia both announced increases in oil production on 7 March, oil prices fell by 25 percent.
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Ricardo Iván Rodriguez Araya (born 25 August 1992) is a Swiss skilled footballer who plays as a left-again for La Liga membership Betis and Switzerland national team.
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A motivating discussion is definitely worth comment. I do believe that you should write more on this topic, it might not be a taboo subject but typically people don’t speak about these issues. To the next! All the best.
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Rom. 1:28 And whilst they did not prefer to retain GOD of their data, GOD gave them over to a reprobate (worthless) mind, to do those issues which aren’t convenient.
Howdy! This blog post could not be written any better! Looking at this post reminds me of my previous roommate! He continually kept talking about this. I most certainly will send this article to him. Fairly certain he’ll have a good read. I appreciate you for sharing!
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It’s hard to find educated people in this particular subject, however, you seem like you know what you’re talking about! Thanks
American prisoners of war tended to be accumulated at large sites, which the British were capable of occupy for extended intervals of time.
I really like reading through a post that can make people think. Also, many thanks for allowing for me to comment.
Job chapter 38 has loads of mentions of a stationary earth, and as direct quotes from God.
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Casualties of Bangladesh’s criticism-laden garment industry are usually not restricted to occasional deaths like this.
In this framework, Schmitz (2017) has shown that shared ownership of an asset can be desirable today, even though tomorrow it is optimal to give the asset to the party who values it most.
After contemplating the concerns on potential blockage to the sea view and the necessity to supply more open space for public enjoyment raised from Central & Western District Council (C&W DC) and Harbourfront Enhancement Committee (HEC), the building measurement and peak of the pump house were decreased and re-oriented.
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One type comes from sugar cane, which is most frequently utilized in meals flavoring.
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Initially built on a Falcon platform, the Mustang got here out in 1964, and the company constructed more than one million units over the following 18 months.
In 1924, Senator James Couzens (Michigan) introduced a decision within the Senate for the creation of a Select Committee to investigate the Bureau of Inner Income.
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Kevin Gallagher (20 February 2011).
“They say they’re not hitting the working man – they are, they’ve had a real go on the working man.
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The rites have been accountable for the Pythian sisters of Marlin, and the Rev Scott Wallace of Wilbur Neighborhood church preached the sermon.
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The median multiple measures the ratio of the median house price to the median annual household income.