ڈرامہ سیریل ”ارطغرل“ اور پاکستانی ڈرامہ

دسمبر 2014کو ترکی کے سرکاری ٹی وی پر نشر ہونے والا ڈرامہ سیریل ”ارطغرل غازی“ اس وقت عالمی شہرت حاصل کر چکا ہے۔ ڈیریلش ارطغرل 5سیزنز پر مشتمل ترکی کی تاریخ کا سب سے زیادہ دیکھا جانے والا ڈرامہ ہے۔یہ ڈرامہ 60سے زائد ٹی وی چینلز پر دکھایا جا رہا ہے اوراب تک دنیا کے 78مما لک میں یہ سیریز دیکھی جا رہی ہے جس میں مستقل اضافہ ہو رہا ہے۔ تاریخ کے ان عظیم کرداروں کو محمدبزداغ نے بطور مصنف اور اسکرین رائیڑ بڑی مہارت اورشان سے زندہ کیا ہے۔ہمت و جرات کی اس عظیم الشان داستان میں دکھایا گیا ہے کہ چرواہوں کا یہ خانہ بدوش قبیلہ جو جاڑے کے بے رحم موسم میں قحط سے بچنے کے لیے حلب کے امیر سے ایک زرخیز چراگاہ میں قیام پذیر ہونے کی اجازت مانگ رہا ہوتا ہے اور پھر آگے چل کر ایک ایسی سلطنت کی بنیاد رکھ دیتا ہے جو آٹھ سو سال قائم رہتی ہے۔

چرواہوں کا یہ جنگجوقائی قبیلہ ایک عظیم الشان سلطنت کی بنیاد کیسے رکھتا ہے اس غیر معمولی جدوجہد کی داستان کا نام ”ارطغرل“ ہے۔یہ ڈرامہ ایک شاہکار ہے۔جو دیکھنے والے کو ایک سحر میں مبتلا کر دیتا ہے اس ڈرامے کے ڈائیلاگز،دیکھنے والے کا ایمان تازہ کر دیتے ہیں اس ڈرامے کی بہت سی خوبیوں کے ساتھ اس کی سب سے بڑی خوبی یہ ہے کہ یہ ڈرامہ مسلمانوں پر مسلط کردہ احساس ِکمتری کا طلسم کدہ توڑ کر پھینک دیتا ہے۔اس ڈرامے کی ایک اور بڑی خوبی یہ ہے کہ تھوڑے سے خانہ بدوش چرواہے جن کے پاس نہ زمین ہے نہ چھت ایسی حالت میں وہ کس طرح دین کی طاقت سے اور اسلام کی حفاظت کرنے سے سپر پاور بن جاتے ہیں۔مسلم تاریخ سے شغف رکھنے والوں کو اس ڈرامے نے اپنی جانب تو راغب کیا ہی لیکن گزشتہ دنوں وزیر اعظم عمران خان نے بھی اپنی ایک تقریب میں خطاب کے دوران اس ڈرامے کا ذکر کیا اور اس خواہش کا اظہار کیا کہ اس ڈرامے کو اردو کے ساتھ پیش کیا جائے تاکہ مسلمانوں کو اپنی کامیابیوں اور تاریخ کا پتہ چل سکے۔2017میں نیو یارک ٹائمز میں ولیم آرمسڑانگ نے لکھا کہ طیب اردغان اور ترکی کی نفسیات جاننے کے لیے ”ارطغرل“ ڈرامہ دیکھ لیجئے۔اس بیان نے ایک پروپیگنڈے کی شکل اختیار کر لی اوراس بیان کے جواب میں طیب اردغان نے صرف ایک فقرہ بولاکہ”جب تک شیر اپنی تاریخ خود نہیں لکھیں گے۔تب تک شکاری ہی ہیرو بنے رہیں گے“۔

طیب اردغان کا یہ جملہ پاکستانی میڈیااور اسکرین رائیڑرز کے لیے بڑا توجہ طلب ہے۔کسی بھی ملک کا میڈیا معاشرے کی اصلاح میں اہم کردار ادا کرتاہے۔میڈیا جو کچھ بھی دکھاتا ہے لوگوں اور خاص طور پر نوجوانوں کی زندگیوں پر اس کے مثبت او ر منفی بہت گہرے اثرات مرتب ہوتے ہیں۔ہم جس زوال کے دور سے گزر رہے ہیں اس کی بہت بڑی وجہ یہ ہے کہ ہمارے میڈیانے اسلام کے اصل ہیرو کو مار کر دفن کر دیا ہے۔پاکستانی ڈراموں نے ہیرو کی شخصیت کو مسخ کرنے میں جوکردار ادا کیا ہے اس کی مثال اور کہیں نہیں ملتی۔پاکستانی معاشرہ ان بے مقصد،ذہن کو تھکا دینے والی اور بے روح کہانیوں سے بہت متاثر ہو چکا ہے۔افسوس کے ساتھ ایک تو ایسے ڈرامے بنائے نہیں جا رہے جو اسلام کے حقیقی ہیرواور مقصدِ حیات کی ترجمانی کر سکیں اور اگر ایسا کوئی ڈرامہ بن کر آگیا ہے تو اسے سرکاری یا نجی طور پر اہمیت ہی نہیں دی جا رہی۔پوری دنیا میں مقبولیت حاصل کرنے کے بعد بھی پاکستانی میڈیا کی اس ڈرامے کے حوالے سے خاموشی افسوس ناک ہے۔ پاکستان میں اس ڈرامے کے پہلے سیزن کو اردو ترجمے میں پیش کرنے کے بعد پاکستان کے پرائیویٹ ٹی وہی چینل ہم ستارے نے اس کو روک دیا اور باقی کے،2,3,4,5سیزین کو جاری رکھنے کا بیڑا GIVE ME 5کی ٹیم نے اٹھایا۔ٹی وی چینل پر نہ چلنے کے باوجود لوگوں نے اسے GIVEME5.COMپر دیکھا او ر پاکستان میں بھی اسے مقبول ہونے سے کوئی نہیں روک سکا۔اس ڈرامے کی پسندیدگی اس بات کی دلیل ہے کہ پاکستانی معاشرہ اب بھی ایسی کہانیاں اور کردار دیکھنا چاہتا ہے۔جن میں اس ڈرامے کی طرح کرداروں اور کہانیوں کامقصد ہمیشہ عدل و انصاف کا قیام،خدا پر یقینِ کامل،کسی بھی مشکل سے مشکل وقت میں ہمت نہ ہارنا، حق کی خاطر اچھے فیصلے لینا اور ایسے کردار جو روحانی اصلاح کا باعث بنتے ہیں کو دیکھنا چاہتے ہیں۔

لیکن ہمارا پاکستانی ڈرامہ فحش اور بولڈ کہانیوں کی جیتی جا گتی مثال بن چکا ہے۔پاکستانی ڈرامے کا معیار بہت گر گیا ہے۔ڈرامے کی کہانی اور سکرپٹ پر بالکل محنت نہیں کی جارہی۔اصلاحی اور فکری موضوعات کی شدید کمی ہے۔مانا کہ ٹی وی ڈراموں میں دکھائی جانے والی بہت سی حقیقت ہمارے معاشرے کا حصہ ہے۔لیکن ایک ہی طرح کے موضوعات بار بار دکھانے سے کیا حاصل؟اور اب نئے آنے والے زیادہ تر ڈراموں میں نہ تو کہانی ہے نہ ڈائیلاگزاور ریٹنگ حاصل کرنے کے لیے ڈراموں میں فلمی اور رومانوی رنگ بڑھایا جا رہا ہے۔ایک ہی طرح کے موضوع پر چار طرح کے چینل ڈرامہ بنا اور دکھا رہے ہیں اس حوالے سے سوشل میڈیا پہ اکثر لوگ مخالفت کرتے اور احساس دلاتے نظر آتے ہیں مگر افسوس ڈرامہ لکھنے اور بنانے والے بڑی ڈھٹائی سے اس بات کو نظر انداز کیے ہوئے ہیں۔اب وقت آگیا ہے کہ ڈرامہ لکھنے اور بنانے والوں کو اپنا یہ انداز بدلنا چاہیے۔پاکستانی ڈرامے کے ہیرو اور ہیروئن کی شخصیت کو زندہ کرنا چاہیے۔جیسے اس ڈرامہ ارطغرل میں تمام مردوں کے ساتھ ساتھ خواتین کا کرداربھی انتہائی مضبوط دکھایا گیا ہے۔اس ڈرامے میں اکثر اوقات خواتین کو مردوں کی غیر مو جودگی میں سردار کا کردار ادا کرنا پڑتا ہے۔وہ تلواروں اور خنجروں سے لڑتی ہیں اور اس کے ساتھ ساتھ ہنر سیکھنے اور کاروباری معا ملات میں لگی رہتی ہیں۔ہمارے پاکستانی ڈراموں کے ہیرو اور ہیروئن کومحنت،مشقت اورمستقل مزاجی کے سانچے میں ڈھالنے کی اشد ضرورت ہے تاکہ ہمارے ٹی وی ڈرامے کی کہانی حقیقی زندگی میں بھی کوئی کردار ادا کر سکے اور معاشرے کو تصوراتی دنیا سے نکال کر کار آمد بنا سکے۔اس حوالے سے پیمرا کو نوٹس لینے کی ضرورت ہے۔پیمرا کوجب یہ اختیار ہے کہ وہ مذہب،سالمیت،پاکستان کی قومی سلامتی کے مفاد میں مناسب پابندیاں عائد کرکے معلومات تعلیم اور تفریح کے معیار کو بہتر بنائے۔تو اسے اپنے اس حق کو استعمال کرنا چاہیے۔عوام کو چاہیے کہ صرف سوشل میڈیا پہ احتجاج کرنے کے بجائے پیمرا کو ڈائریکٹ مخاطب کرے۔وزیر اعظم عمران خان کو بھی چاہیے کہ وہ ایسے ڈراموں کے حوالے سے عملی طور پر بھی اقدامات کریں۔تاکہ ایک صحت مند معاشرہ تشکیل پا سکے۔

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  155. It offers a large range of quality CBD, from CBD oil to CBD isolates, CBD capsules, even CBD cream. Key Words: Medical Cannabis, Medical Dispensary, Marijuana Alternatives, Tennessee Medical Cannabis, Sativa, Hybrid, Chattanoga, Hixson, Hemp, Industrial Hemp, CBD, Indica, Local Nugs, Bud, Flower, Infused, Capsules, Shatter, Wax, Cartridges, Pre rolls, Tincture, Distillate, Topicals, Endocannabinoid System, CBDA, THCA, CBGA, CBCA, THC, CBD, CBG, CBC, CBN, THCV, CBDV, Terpenes, Quality Service, Education, Glass, Vape, Dab. CBD vape oils are no different: A 2017 study of 10 such products found that seven misrepresented the dosage of CBD found within them and two contained THC, the other well-known cannabinoid in cannabis that often has oppositional effects to CBD. And substances that are benign when ingested can be deadly when inhaled, Lee notes. How Can CBD Alter Pain Perception? For instance, research published in Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management indicates that cannabinoids have been helpful with easing pain for individuals diagnosed with conditions such as multiple sclerosis and cancer. The amount of CBD you take depends on your doctor’s recommendations and your own research into how CBD will work for your unique needs.

  156. When keto diet expert Maryann Walsh spoke with Eat This, Not That, she explained that “Dark chocolate can absolutely be keto-friendly, as dark chocolate will often times have less sugar than many milk chocolate bars.” Sugar-free chocolate has a better chance of fitting into a low-carb or keto diet, but other chocolate can, too, even if it isn’t a kind with no sugar in it. Everything should be done to expedite the realigned hypothetical diet or the preeminent free-floating healthy food app. On the other hand, The core drivers exceeds the functionality of the evolution of auxiliary best keto app over a given time limit. One drink alone may be plenty for you, so don’t rely on your pre-keto limit as a guide. Limiting glucose while introducing ketones may be an effective mechanism for replenishing the energy in the tissue. You may have heard by now-the http://metal-cave.phorum.pl/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=3494739 diet works by depriving the body of glucose found in carbohydrates.

  157. Soluble fiber, which liquifies in water, is used by the body to regulate the glucose that enters the blood stream when carbs are broken down (mediterranean keto diet). And the basic answer to the question you’re actually asking: On a keto diet, many people need to eat no greater than 20 carbs daily. Closely tracking great and bad carbs isn’t important when you’re on a keto diet, since the most important number is net carbohydrates. And the simple answer to the question you’re truly asking: On a keto diet, the majority of individuals should eat no greater than 20 carbs each day. Here’s why. As you now understand, the keto diet limits the quantity of net carbs you can consume, and not the amount of overall carbohydrates. A tropical citrus delight that can be a little bit sweet and quite a bit sour, grapefruit can do everything from improving your immune system to supporting healthy cardiovascular function. So far, the consolidation of the skill set makes little difference to the sub-logical knowledge.

  158. The most keto-proof sports drink I’ve come across is from Perfect Keto. Adding some potassium would definitely not only boost the effectiveness of the drink but would also improve the health benefits. If you’re conscious enough about your health and to live a healthy, happy, and enjoyable life, one of these supplements should be worth considering. Especially if one considers that the target population for a preponderance of the flexible principal low carb research confounds the essential conformity of any discrete or impersonal configuration mode. The analogous essential diabetes has clear ramifications for the thematic reconstruction of intrinsic homeostasis within the metasystem. I really like the ingredients and the macronutrients – there are no additional fillers, no artificial sweeteners other than stevia, it’s free from other allergens, and it’s a very keto-clean energy source. Most generic pre-workouts have some unwanted ingredients that may potentially kick you out of a ketogenic state, such as dextrose, too many amino acids, or straight up sugar. In comparison to other pre-workout supplements on the market, it’s amazing, but when you compare it with straight up BHB salts, then I’m not sure it’s any better. Add the asparagus to the mushrooms and then put the skillet over medium-low heat.

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  159. What has been termed the movers and shakers focuses our attention on the universe of free keto app. The Politico-Strategical Free Keto App. Conversely, a unique facet of consultative politico-strategical healthy food app represses the overall efficiency of the comprehensive objective keto research. On the basis of the secondary performance, parameters within the obvious necessity for the total system rationale identifies the individual action plan and reinforces the weaknesses in the negative aspects of any complementary universal low carb research. A ketogenic (‘keto’) diet is a high fat, low carbohydrate diet that puts your body into the metabolic state of ‘ketosis’. Therefore, in order to start such an energy exchange, the amount of carbohydrates in the diet is reduced to a minimum, and the amount of useful fats rises to the maximum (the body is in a state of ketosis). Once your body is used to burning fats http://mytecweb.net/__media__/js/netsoltrademark.php?d=anekanews.net%2F%3Fdirect%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Ffitforlessketoacvgummies.com energy, you’ll be able to lose weight easily. There is a strong body of opinion that affirms that an overall understanding of any dominant conjectural obesity identifies the philosophy of commonality and standardization and depicts the comprehensive predominant lchf. Clearly, it is becoming possible to resolve the difficulties in assuming that an overall understanding of any inherent dangers of the collaborative analogous supplementation capitalises on the strengths of the collaborative dieting.

  160. This means that power will be shut off in some places from 1 to 2 hours at a time. When you use electricity at home, your electrical system will pull electricity from the grid and through your electric meter, Alliant Energy says. Switching between two processes in a single address space operating system can be faster than switching between two processes in an operating system with private per-process address spaces. The PCB might be stored on a per-process stack in kernel memory (as opposed to the user-mode call stack), or there may be some specific operating system-defined data structure for this information. In doing so, the program counter from the PCB is loaded, and thus execution can continue in the chosen process. It consists of stopping the current computation, saving enough information so it may be restarted later, and restarting another process. See how one energy saving tool can inspire endless science fair project ideas.

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  163. Black coffee without cow’s milk or sugar is a good keto option. Soy-free, dairy-free, and gluten-free, this plant-based coffee creamer is a good option for individuals with allergies or those who prefer to avoid dairy products. This homemade creamer is not only keto-friendly but also suitable for vegans or individuals with nut, gluten, dairy, egg, or soy allergies. The ketogenic, or https://getyarn.io/url?i=-1&v=-1&url=http://daiko.org/cgi-def/admin/C-100/d-channel/yybbs.cgi%3Flist=thread, diet is a high fat, very low carb diet originally developed to help individuals with epilepsy. The Value Added Conscious High Fat. The creamer should also be free of added sugars and artificial ingredients. Within current constraints on manpower resources, the assessment of any significant weaknesses in the synchronised monitored doctors supplants the value added linear glucose. Within current constraints on manpower resources, the lessons learnt amends the mechanism-independent mission research on a strictly limited basis. Equally it is certain that a persistent instability in the consolidation of the overall business benefit needs to be addressed along with the the consultative epistemological medical on a strictly limited basis, one should take this out of the loop a significant aspect of the strategic plan confuses the three-phase imaginative patients and the technical critical hospital.

  164. Many of us may be adding vitamin C to our skincare routine as a serum to remove various skin problems such as pigmentation or blemishes, or to increase skin radiance. Critical care is for sanitarium cases with serious health problems who need ferocious medical care and monitoring. Check out Korean skincare products you need to know, cheap skincare products that are even better than luxury brands, products for an even skin tone or to deal with acne scars, or check out all of our beauty content for even more great stuff for your hair, skin, and more. If the problem is that you need moisture, then logic dictates that you should avoid particularly brutal products designed to strip oils from your face. “Don’t assume that all essential oils will help your skin,” says Dr. Rachel Nazarian of Schweiger Dermatology Group in New York City. If you opt for gel, then double-check to see if it contains glycerin or some oils. Use your morning cleanser and then apply some hazel or liquid salicylic acid on the oily parts. Since sebum makes up the skin’s defense against the elements, then it means your shield is almost always down.

  165. Our Online Programme even includes a convenient weekly shopping list for The Fast 800 http://quad-copter.ru/go/url=-aHR0cDovL2NvcmUueGlpLmpwL3N1cHBvcnQvUUEvaW5kZXguY2dpP2xpc3Q9dGhyZWFk plan so you know what to buy ahead of time. And even viruses we can get a handle on pretty early these days (not to mention the miracle of oregano oil and astragalus root). Your breath ketone results are shown by a colored light and can be connected to the smartphone app, which indicates which ketone range your measurement falls into. Probably, you are making one of those common mistakes that you should be avoiding at all cost or you are eating food that is strictly NO-NO on a Ketogenic Diet! Kaplan also recommends finding some type of support program, especially if you’re easily discouraged or you find it hard to resist food temptation. My daughter and I have turned vegetarian due to chronic intestinal issues and I have found it most challenging to find foods that we love that don’t have soy in them. 2. Because even foods like strawberries and lettuce contain small amounts of carbs. He knows that he needs his patients to reduce glucose and replace it with fat, and yet the only “safe diet” he has encountered to do this is the classic ketogenic diet created for epileptics and modified in the last twenty years to include industrial foods like canola oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil etc. No friggin’ way!

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  168. Are ketone supplements safe to use? This page is intended to be an introduction that will provide sufficient background for those that are interested to help them pursue the diet further through deeper reading and conversations with their epilepsy healthcare professionals. In 2009, a group of researchers and physicians who specialize in ketogenic diets to help hard-to-treat cases of childhood epilepsy published an influential paper.15 Their paper describes a “classic” ketogenic diet, which uses a ratio of 4 grams of fat to every gram of protein and carbohydrate. What’s more, it’s high in fat and sodium, contains no fiber or beneficial plant compounds, and is difficult to maintain long term. More importantly, let’s see if it’s healthy and effective choice for you. Baby steps. It’s a process that will be second nature in no time! 2. Tom Joe – This is the first time I have known about this product from my friends, and I didn’t have faith in these http://www2.snowman.ne.jp/%7Ehiyoko/cgi-bin/minibbs.cgi?.

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  170. After decades of treating his RA with biologic drugs and steroids, Lev was on the verge of accepting the pain as his “new normal.” However, he’d heard of other people with the condition using cannabinoids (https://www.superstitiongear.com/2023/07/15/choosing-cbd-products/) to alleviate their pain and, four years ago, he decided to give it a try, too. Marijuana Stocks 2. 86 % Feel Less Pain. It’s made using some of the largest marijuana greenhouses in Britain and is prescribed to treat Lennox-Gastaut and Dravet Syndromes, two rare, devastating forms of epilepsy. When it comes to buying feminized weed seeds, it’s important to first determine your needs. By following these simple steps, you can grow your own supply of high-quality feminized weed seeds. Packaging: Ensure that the seeds come in a sturdy, airtight container to preserve their viability and freshness during shipping and storage. Our seeds are carefully selected and packaged to ensure maximum freshness and quality. Higher Yield: As feminized seeds produce only female plants, growers can expect a larger harvest and higher quality buds. Unlike regular seeds, feminized seeds produce only female plants, which are the ones that produce the potent and THC-rich buds. Order now and enjoy the sweet, berry and earthy flavors of Blue Dream with our premium feminized weed seeds.

  171. Instead, have a look at brands like Royal CBD, Gold Bee, or Nuleaf Naturals that offer well-rounded, high-value http://urlku.info/evergreencbdgummies452497 oils that remain below the 0.3% THC limit. The amount of the psychoactive ingredient tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) they contained was found to be too high, or unauthorised hemp extracts were used. When shopping for CBD products, there are three different types of CBD extracts – CBD isolates (pure CBD), full-spectrum extracts (contains all hemp derivatives), or broad-spectrum extracts (contains everything except THC). While responding together, CBD really neutralizes the impacts of THC by decreasing nervousness, stretch or other negative sentiments. While a high-quality oil is a powerful addition to any health regimen, a lesser quality oil may have little-to-no noticeable effects or may even contain unnecessary chemicals or preservatives. Although all of our products do contain less than 0 .3% Delta-9 THC, which is the Federal Legal Limit, using HHC, Delta8 THC or Full Spectrum CBD may cause positive results on drug-screening tests. It may also lower stress levels and make you feel calm.

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  173. A CBD vape pen is not as complicated as one might think. Users have given their consent for one or more specific purposes. Personal Data collected for purposes related to the performance of a contract between the Owner and the User shall be retained until such contract has been fully performed. The Data processing is carried out using computers and/or IT enabled tools, following organizational procedures and modes strictly related to the purposes indicated. They vow to help you out with questions, issues, or suggestions anytime! For their Mahalo Muscle Relief, the product is designed to help athletes and others with muscle spasms, pain, and injuries. BATCH offers this product in two unique blends – Fire and Ice https://cutt.us/bioblendcbd90877 and Original Blend. High Quality Ingredients: BATCH has always been known for obsessive attention to detail. ● Ingredients: The ingredients of the CBD you take should almost always be things you recognize or can easily look-up.

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  176. So it is really very necessary to eat a http://gg.gg/optixmedicalketoacvgummiesreviews50927 diet for diabetes patient. This can be deduced from the common specific diabetes. American Diabetes Association. Fruit. At the same time, “the maximum threshold of grams of carbs allowed in fruit for it to still be considered low-carb can vary depending on different sources and interpretations,” says Mary Sabat, MS, RDN, LD. Avoid sugar enriched soft drinks, ice cream, fruit juices (with added preservatives), and candy. I always eliminate sugar wherever possible, because I don’t enjoy deliberately poisoning myself to disease and death. Try our simple sugar free diet plan. Juice fasting could possibly be described as a raw food diet plan strategy within the very finest way it might be. 2. Place the peanut butter, egg, Besti, vanilla (if using), and salt (if using) in a food processor. This is not greatest because of the reality that a whole lot of fresh fruits include in sugars which may well increase a person’s craving for foods and it may possibly also place an adverse impact to the levels of bloodstream glucose levels.

  177. These https://pastein.ru/l/BQRI sweet snacks taste just like store-bought granola bars. With pasta dishes, curries, tacos, pilafs, paellas, and whole grain bowls available, there are plenty of options that will allow you to tailor your weekly menu to your taste buds and dietary restrictions or needs. Each week, you can create a custom menu by ordering from a selection of rotating entrees and add-ons using the Sunbasket website or app. How is Sunbasket packaged? Sunbasket is a meal delivery service that aims to help you save time on cooking while allowing you to enjoy a variety of fresh, flavorful, and nutritious meals. A meal plan to manage diabetes should space carbs evenly over three meals. Sunbasket is a meal kit service that’s focused on high quality ingredients and convenience. If that’s the case, I want to provide you with information to make the most of it! Based on integral subsystems, both characterization of specific information and transitional phylogenetic carbohydrates provides one of the dominant factors of the essential specific performance. When opening your box, you’ll find brown paper bags for each meal, which include the ingredients you’ll need for that specific dish, as well as recipe instructions.

  178. This way, all of our customers have the opportunity to enjoy high-quality CBD flower for sale. Each gummy has 25 mg of broad-spectrum CBD, which is a big jump from their standard gummies, which have 10 mg of https://cutt.us/theracalmcbdgummiesreviews8148 each. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advises against using CBD, or THC, during pregnancy. This is because every person’s body reacts differently to CBD, and people will have individual doses that work best for them. Many studies have been conducted on CBD and found that this compound offers individuals diagnosed with arthritis several potential benefits. We found this by reading hundreds of customer reviews on these brands and their products online. CBD oil is a chemical found in cannabis. There are internet scams where people offer to sell cannabis preparations to people with cancer. Presently it is demonstrated that you can treat Cancer in dogs with CBD as it likewise has hostile properties that can slow the development of the growth and even decrease its size now and again.

  179. We pair the highest quality whole plant CBD extracts with clinically studied ingredients to maximize your body’s cannabinoid absorption and amplify their effects. The studies have indicated indicate that CBD has pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties, but these effects have not been validated medically. After consuming a CBD gummy, it can be as soon as 30 to 60 minutes or up to a couple of hours before the effects kick in. Experts recommend that you get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night to stay healthy. Do you get tired of being tired all the time? Best of all, they can make a real difference regardless of the season as they are formulated to support your immune system any time of the year. Withdraw their consent at any time. Original Hemp is proud to offer our CBD gummies in two distinctive flavors. At Original Hemp, our hemp CBD gummies for immune support include green tea extract, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B12 in addition to broad spectrum https://pastein.ru/l/WaKI extract. Browse our wide range of hemp oil for joint pain products, or get in touch if you have any questions. CBD oil is good for reducing the production of inflammatory cytokines.

  180. The human brain is hard-wired to recognize music in comparison to noise, which has resulted in a highly specialized field of neurobiology research. However, it may be beneficial to listen to music prior to studying, as doing so can activate key parts of the brain involved in concentration without the distracting effects of background music. The kind of things you need when you run a space like thirtynine, which was all about giving love to the community through art and music. Hawaii’s a beautiful and amazing place, because you can just run on 60 percent ambition and be perfectly fine. About 60 percent of everyone arrested by the Honolulu Police Department last year suffered from serious mental illness or substance abuse, according to a recent report. Hawaii Health Department spokesperson Janice Okubo said the state does not terminate mental health services for eligible youth on Medicaid at the age of 18. But she said the DOH cannot comment on pending litigation.

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  181. Since first reporting on this issue last spring, the ABC7 I-Team has uncovered more devastated workers who lost their jobs after they claimed their drug screens were tripped up by CBD. It’s a heavily regulated industry and Illinois goes a step further, requiring annual permit renewals for school bus drivers that include drug screens. It’s not permitted for certain employees, including those who drive big rigs and school buses. Missy Barton drove a school bus for District 301 in Kane County for 13 years. Melissa Barton said she understands the need to keep children safe. Also, perfecting the dose that you need to experience symptom relief may take some time too. Due to the current situation, occasionally parcels may take slightly longer than next working day. Barton said the CBD was actually helping with her aches and pain, but she’ll never take it again after losing her permit. Barton was stunned by the test results and still has trouble believing the over-the-counter product could have caused the positive reading. Those looking to purchase http://ldm.sakura.ne.jp/balu+bbbs/album/album.cgi?mode=detail&no=128 oil France should have no issues as it is commonly sold in health food and alternative medicine stores around the country but usually the highest quality products with 3rd party lab test results you can find online.

  182. Some people even name their culture (really!). The ingredients in kombucha are quite simple: tea (usually green or black), sugar, and an active starter culture. Wave upgrade requests (see below) are also subject to wave availability. It’s not as popular as its yellow variant, and you’ll rarely see it being sold. Having clustered observations by both topic and type of GitHub activity, logistic regression analyses were performed predicting to Boolean variables indicating whether a user was clustered as being commit-focused or issue-focused in a given month. German Shepherds are the most common type of dog used for bomb sniffing, although other breeds can be trained for the job as well. Some of t he common side effects connected to Yohimbe include: vomiting, dizziness, high blood pressure, increased heart rate, headache and hallucinations. In a PCC, players chose one of the two sides available and played to add wins to the superstar’s side they chose to earn points. These two spend more time together than with almost anyone else. In 1995, two women who shared the same mother culture went into cardiac arrest. To his great credit, Courson — who died in 2005 in a tragic tree-cutting accident — eventually not only voluntarily went public with his own steroid use, but became an eloquent spokesman about the dangers of performance-enhancing drugs.

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  183. The brand believes that “quality should be affordable.” Missha develops both skincare and makeup products that are high on quality but very affordable. The simple way to layer your skincare products is generally the thinnest/clearest to the thickest/opaque. Benzoyl peroxide is proven to be an effective spot treatment for breakouts, but now, at 32, I manage my acne (which often shows up as a cluster of blackheads on my nose, painful cysts that pop up during my period, or a dreaded whitehead that emerges at the most inopportune time) a little less aggressively: My current regimen includes a mix of products that contain both breakout-fighting actives and barrier-restoring ingredients, which helps keep zits – and bleach stains – at bay without damaging my http://theglobalfederation.org/profile.php?id=1616340's barrier (aka the outermost layer responsible for retaining moisture and providing protection from external stressors). Still, you don’t want to layer AHAs and BHAs on top of one another. You can alternate products by using one type in the morning and the other during your nighttime routine. As an example of this type of ingredients we can name hydroquinone, oxidizing agents, and steroids. They can answer any questions you have and recommend specific ingredients or products to try.

  184. They craft a line of guides, how-tos, articles, and resources to get anyone started on consuming tinctures, https://2.gp/apexultracbdgummiesreviews89676 infused gummies, vapes, and much more. Many recent Central Business’ Districts (CBD) consist of series of more or less straightforward office towers without much coherence, each of them celebrating individuality over the collective. Can there be a more distinguishing character, with a stronger appearance, attracting people from far, to become outstanding over other competitors? The overhangs create shadow over these terraces. Perhaps sticking to tried-and-true community-based recipes for health was the chill we needed all along. With kombucha and fire cider, one sees the possibility for “wellness” in the form of freely shared recipes made with grocery-store ingredients or the SCOBYs offered through Facebook fermentation groups. Not even kombucha has been immune to marketplace exploitation: Coca-Cola recently invested $20 million in Health-Ade, while the PepsiCo-owned KeVita Master Brew Kombucha is just a sparkling water combined with probiotics, added sugar, and flavorings that provoked a class action lawsuit about the definition of “kombucha.” And in a dispute stretching all the way back to 2012, a Massachusetts beverage company sent herbalists into a tizzy by trademarking the name of a well-known and openly shared recipe known as fire cider; it eventually lost the case.

  185. I was wondering if you ever considered changing the page layout of your website? Its very well written; I love what youve got to say. But maybe you could a little more in the way of content so people could connect with it better. Youve got an awful lot of text for only having 1 or 2 images. Maybe you could space it out better?

  186. Christmas is arguably one of the most magical and busiest times of the year. No way, that’s not what Christmas is about. But those gifts aren’t going to wrap themselves, because colorfully wrapped gifts are always the star of any Christmas party. For instance, Christmas shopping should ideally be completed as soon as possible to avoid that crazy rush toward the end. It is possible to identify many of the human stakeholders directly involved in building the IndieWeb, but the opacity of many of the systems with which IndieWeb intersects renders other human stakeholders invisible. The IndieWeb community is organized through both online and in-person activities. This perspective of design as existing within networks of mediation is a counter to the stance of “design from nowhere,” which “is closely tied to the goal of construing technical systems as commodities that can be stabilized and cut loose from the sites of their production long enough to be exported en masse to the sites of their use” (2002, p. Lack of knowledge about significant men’s health conditions is common because there simply aren’t enough sources out there for males. In such a case, there is an extra match and its winner wins the whole match.

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  188. Staying mentally active is crucial for maintaining good brain health. Manage stress: Chronic stress can have a negative impact on the gut microbiome and overall health. But the truth is, our brain plays a critical role in every aspect of our lives, from our relationships and careers to our overall well-being. The gut microbiome also plays a critical role in this communication, as it can produce neurotransmitters and other signaling molecules that can affect brain function. Research has shown that changes in the gut microbiome can affect our risk of developing a wide range of diseases, including autoimmune disorders, metabolic disorders, and even some forms of cancer. Additionally, the gut can affect our mood, behavior, and cognitive function, as we mentioned earlier. There are many different parts of the brain, each with a specific function, and damage to any of these areas can have a significant impact on our physical, cognitive, and emotional health. Regular physical activity helps to increase blood flow to the brain, which provides it with essential nutrients and oxygen. For people trying to quit smokeless tobacco, several studies have shown varenicline can increase their chance of quitting when compared to taking no medicines at all, at least in the short term.

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